AI security a priority for UK, says technical secretary

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The UK's approach to artificial intelligence will prioritize security and make the country the 'best place in the world' to set up and grow an artificial intelligence business AI, Technology Secretary said.

Michelle Donelan said that “the country that first addresses the key security risks of AI” will be the one that “takes full advantage of taken advantage of the enormous potential that AI has to offer."

Science, The Minister of Innovation and Technology took advantage of a speech given to the think tank Onward to present the government's approach to technology ahead of its AI Security Summit next week, where world leaders and technology companies will gather to discuss the growing impact of AI.

< p >Ms Donelan rejected suggestions that focusing first on security was “too cautious”.

“The pace of development is rapid and unpredictable, which means we need to focus on understanding the risks,” she said. “And in life, I think it's important that you really get a handle on the problems before you implement solutions, and with the 'AI, it should be no different. »

She added that the UK is "investing more than any other in the world in issues relating to AI security, arguing that "security is absolutely essential to enable its adoption in the entire economy and society."

This comes ahead of the security summit and growing concerns about the impact of AI, particularly generative AI tools such as ChatGPT , and their possible effects on employment, education and other areas of daily life.

New research from the University of Sheffield has found that chatbot tools such as ChatGPT could be tricked into creating malicious code that could then be used to carry out cyberattacks.

Ms Donelan said a central aim of the AI ​​Security Summit would be to build consensus between world leaders and technology companies on technology risks.

“One of the main goals of the summit is to reach agreement on the real risks and how we can work together to keep us informed. this by bringing together countries, leading technology organizations, academia and civil society,” she said.

During her speech, the Technology Secretary said the Kingdom -Uni would seek to be “agile and innovative” with its own national AI. regulation, to encourage more small AI companies to set up and grow in the UK.

"The UK is and will remain the most agile and innovative place to grow your business,” she said.

< p>“Security at border crossings...

AI security a priority for UK, says technical secretary
IndyEatSign up to receive the e -mail View from Westminster for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive offers, events and updates by email updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }}

The UK's approach to artificial intelligence will prioritize security and make the country the 'best place in the world' to set up and grow an artificial intelligence business AI, Technology Secretary said.

Michelle Donelan said that “the country that first addresses the key security risks of AI” will be the one that “takes full advantage of taken advantage of the enormous potential that AI has to offer."

Science, The Minister of Innovation and Technology took advantage of a speech given to the think tank Onward to present the government's approach to technology ahead of its AI Security Summit next week, where world leaders and technology companies will gather to discuss the growing impact of AI.

< p >Ms Donelan rejected suggestions that focusing first on security was “too cautious”.

“The pace of development is rapid and unpredictable, which means we need to focus on understanding the risks,” she said. “And in life, I think it's important that you really get a handle on the problems before you implement solutions, and with the 'AI, it should be no different. »

She added that the UK is "investing more than any other in the world in issues relating to AI security, arguing that "security is absolutely essential to enable its adoption in the entire economy and society."

This comes ahead of the security summit and growing concerns about the impact of AI, particularly generative AI tools such as ChatGPT , and their possible effects on employment, education and other areas of daily life.

New research from the University of Sheffield has found that chatbot tools such as ChatGPT could be tricked into creating malicious code that could then be used to carry out cyberattacks.

Ms Donelan said a central aim of the AI ​​Security Summit would be to build consensus between world leaders and technology companies on technology risks.

“One of the main goals of the summit is to reach agreement on the real risks and how we can work together to keep us informed. this by bringing together countries, leading technology organizations, academia and civil society,” she said.

During her speech, the Technology Secretary said the Kingdom -Uni would seek to be “agile and innovative” with its own national AI. regulation, to encourage more small AI companies to set up and grow in the UK.

"The UK is and will remain the most agile and innovative place to grow your business,” she said.

< p>“Security at border crossings...

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