Rishi Sunak risks being grilled at Covid inquiry next week

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Embattled Tory leader Rishi Sunak will be questioned about his actions during the pandemic when he appears before the Covid inquiry on Monday.

The Prime Minister is fighting to save his premiership after the resignation of Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick because he failed to appease the conservative right with his Rwanda legislation.

Adding to Mr Sunak's woes, it emerged he would be brought before the public inquiry. in a few days to answer questions about his tenure as chancellor.

He is likely to be asked about the impact of his controversial policies such as the Eat Out to Help Out scheme aimed at boosting the restaurant trade during a resurgence of the virus.

Government advisers referred to Mr Sunak as "Dr Death" during the pandemic, WhatsApp messages shown to Britain's Covid-19 inquiry revealed, in due to concerns about the impact of its efforts to maintain economic activity. in progress.

The correspondence between epidemiologist Professor John Edmunds and Professor Dame Angela McLean – now the government's chief scientific adviser – took place at a meeting in September 2020.

Dame Angela sent a message to Professor Edmunds, referring to “Dr Death the Chancellor”, the inquest was told.

Sunak to be under scrutiny for 'Eat Out to Help Out'

Professor Edmunds told inquest the reference 'could well be' the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, designed by the then chancellor Mr Sunak and rolled out a month earlier in an attempt to revive the catering industry after lockdown.

L The announcement that Mr Sunak will be questioned for a full day on Monday came as former Prime Minister Boris Johnson began his second day of questioning.

Baroness Hallett's investigation found that scientists and then Health Secretary Matt Hancock had been excluded from discussions around...

Rishi Sunak risks being grilled at Covid inquiry next week
View from Westminster Sign up for the View from Westminster email for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter an email address valid emailPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive an email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }}

Embattled Tory leader Rishi Sunak will be questioned about his actions during the pandemic when he appears before the Covid inquiry on Monday.

The Prime Minister is fighting to save his premiership after the resignation of Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick because he failed to appease the conservative right with his Rwanda legislation.

Adding to Mr Sunak's woes, it emerged he would be brought before the public inquiry. in a few days to answer questions about his tenure as chancellor.

He is likely to be asked about the impact of his controversial policies such as the Eat Out to Help Out scheme aimed at boosting the restaurant trade during a resurgence of the virus.

Government advisers referred to Mr Sunak as "Dr Death" during the pandemic, WhatsApp messages shown to Britain's Covid-19 inquiry revealed, in due to concerns about the impact of its efforts to maintain economic activity. in progress.

The correspondence between epidemiologist Professor John Edmunds and Professor Dame Angela McLean – now the government's chief scientific adviser – took place at a meeting in September 2020.

Dame Angela sent a message to Professor Edmunds, referring to “Dr Death the Chancellor”, the inquest was told.

Sunak to be under scrutiny for 'Eat Out to Help Out'

Professor Edmunds told inquest the reference 'could well be' the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, designed by the then chancellor Mr Sunak and rolled out a month earlier in an attempt to revive the catering industry after lockdown.

L The announcement that Mr Sunak will be questioned for a full day on Monday came as former Prime Minister Boris Johnson began his second day of questioning.

Baroness Hallett's investigation found that scientists and then Health Secretary Matt Hancock had been excluded from discussions around...

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