Rishi Sunak's mobile number 'published online' constitutes major security breach

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Rishi Sunak's longtime home phone number was leaked online in a major security breach, it has been revealed.

The Prime Minister was targeted by social networks. media pranksters who posted video online of the phone ringing before Mr Sunak's answering machine message appeared, The Sun reported.

The Prime Minister was given a new number when he came to power. a year ago, but the pranksters' video appears to show his home number still active.

The video, also seen by The Independent, shows a phone dialing M's number .Sunak. An automated voicemail says “voicemail service for” before the prime minister says his name.

It is not clear how the number was leaked, and Downing Street said it would not comment on security matters.

A Conservative MP on the Committee on Home Affairs said he was "sure that is very inconvenient for him", but he was not convinced there was a security breach. "But I'm not sure this constitutes a security breach when thousands of work colleagues and friends have probably already fallen victim to it - as well as hostile intelligence agencies," the MP said.

Two years later it emerged that Boris Johnson's phone number had been online for 15 years and appeared at the bottom of a press release.

At At the time, a former British national security adviser, Lord Ricketts, said it was in Mr Johnson's message: "

Rishi Sunak's mobile number 'published online' constitutes major security breach
IndyEatSign up to receive the e -mail View from Westminster for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive offers, events and updates by email updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }}

Rishi Sunak's longtime home phone number was leaked online in a major security breach, it has been revealed.

The Prime Minister was targeted by social networks. media pranksters who posted video online of the phone ringing before Mr Sunak's answering machine message appeared, The Sun reported.

The Prime Minister was given a new number when he came to power. a year ago, but the pranksters' video appears to show his home number still active.

The video, also seen by The Independent, shows a phone dialing M's number .Sunak. An automated voicemail says “voicemail service for” before the prime minister says his name.

It is not clear how the number was leaked, and Downing Street said it would not comment on security matters.

A Conservative MP on the Committee on Home Affairs said he was "sure that is very inconvenient for him", but he was not convinced there was a security breach. "But I'm not sure this constitutes a security breach when thousands of work colleagues and friends have probably already fallen victim to it - as well as hostile intelligence agencies," the MP said.

Two years later it emerged that Boris Johnson's phone number had been online for 15 years and appeared at the bottom of a press release.

At At the time, a former British national security adviser, Lord Ricketts, said it was in Mr Johnson's message: "

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