Russian rebels urge Wagner mercenaries to fight Putin to avenge Prigozhin's death

The leader of the notorious Wagner Company military group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, 62, was killed alongside other mercenary warlords when his private jet fell from the sky about 500 km. from Moscow

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Pro-kyiv Russian fighters call on Wagner to join them

Russian defectors currently fighting the Kremlin for Ukraine have invited Wagner's leaderless mercenaries to join them in avenging the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin.

In a video released late last night, the Russian Volunteer Corps (RVA) - one of two Russian rebel groups to switch sides in Ukraine - offered Wagner fighters a solution to their bloodlust after the fall of Prigozhin's plane from the sky in Tver, Russia.

Rumors abound that the crash was the culmination of an elaborate assassination plot by the Kremlin, after Prigozhin became a target for plotting and staging a coup against military leaders Russians.

RVA Commander Denis Kapustin, flanked by his subordinates, addressed Wagner's now leaderless troops, saying, "You are now faced with a serious choice: you can stand in a stand. of the Russian Ministry of Defense and serve as watchdogs for the executors. of your commanders or take revenge."

Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin died in a crash on Wednesday plane
Wagnerian leader Eugène Prigojine, who died in a plane crash on Wednesday (


TELEGRAM/ @concordgroup_official)

“To take revenge, you must side with Ukraine,” Kapustin added. But there was a condition to the invitation. Only members of the Wagner Group who have “not committed war crimes” will be able to “join our ranks”. Even before the war in Ukraine, the Wagner Group – which offered stability to war-torn African countries in exchange for access to their lucrative gold and diamond mines – was accused of repeated atrocities, including murder, torture, rape and robbery of civilians. Kapustin continued, asking the mercenaries to join them and finish the "meat grinder" of a war together before "we march on Moscow".

Russian rebels urge Wagner mercenaries to fight Putin to avenge Prigozhin's death

The leader of the notorious Wagner Company military group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, 62, was killed alongside other mercenary warlords when his private jet fell from the sky about 500 km. from Moscow

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Pro-kyiv Russian fighters call on Wagner to join them

Russian defectors currently fighting the Kremlin for Ukraine have invited Wagner's leaderless mercenaries to join them in avenging the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin.

In a video released late last night, the Russian Volunteer Corps (RVA) - one of two Russian rebel groups to switch sides in Ukraine - offered Wagner fighters a solution to their bloodlust after the fall of Prigozhin's plane from the sky in Tver, Russia.

Rumors abound that the crash was the culmination of an elaborate assassination plot by the Kremlin, after Prigozhin became a target for plotting and staging a coup against military leaders Russians.

RVA Commander Denis Kapustin, flanked by his subordinates, addressed Wagner's now leaderless troops, saying, "You are now faced with a serious choice: you can stand in a stand. of the Russian Ministry of Defense and serve as watchdogs for the executors. of your commanders or take revenge."

Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin died in a crash on Wednesday plane
Wagnerian leader Eugène Prigojine, who died in a plane crash on Wednesday (


TELEGRAM/ @concordgroup_official)

“To take revenge, you must side with Ukraine,” Kapustin added. But there was a condition to the invitation. Only members of the Wagner Group who have “not committed war crimes” will be able to “join our ranks”. Even before the war in Ukraine, the Wagner Group – which offered stability to war-torn African countries in exchange for access to their lucrative gold and diamond mines – was accused of repeated atrocities, including murder, torture, rape and robbery of civilians. Kapustin continued, asking the mercenaries to join them and finish the "meat grinder" of a war together before "we march on Moscow".

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