Russian widow swears revenge as she joins fight WITH Ukraine over husband's death

After soldiers loyal to Vladimir Putin's Chechen watchdog, Ramzan Kadyrov, executed her husband, a widow joined the Freedom for Russia Legion which composes its ranks with defectors disgruntled by the tyrant's invasion

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Russian widow joins legion fighting FOR Ukraine

A widow whose Russian soldier husband was massacred by her own Chechen comrades has joined a battalion of her defected compatriots to fight for Ukraine.

The unnamed wife remained anonymous but appeared in disguise in a clip shared by the Freedom for Russia Legion.

The group is made up of troops who switched sides to Ukraine after becoming furious fighters for the tyrants who ruled Russia and Belarus.

In the video, the woman sits behind the blue and white flag that has become the symbol of the defector squad and says, "We must all stop the war together and bring real freedom to Russia. The regime of Putin must be overthrown.

"Stop tolerating the tyrant. Join our legion."

The number of soldiers in the rag tag unit is unknown, but hundreds of Russians have crossed the Ukrainian border since early March, when the unit was created.

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Russian widow swears revenge as she joins fight WITH Ukraine over husband's death

After soldiers loyal to Vladimir Putin's Chechen watchdog, Ramzan Kadyrov, executed her husband, a widow joined the Freedom for Russia Legion which composes its ranks with defectors disgruntled by the tyrant's invasion

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Russian widow joins legion fighting FOR Ukraine

A widow whose Russian soldier husband was massacred by her own Chechen comrades has joined a battalion of her defected compatriots to fight for Ukraine.

The unnamed wife remained anonymous but appeared in disguise in a clip shared by the Freedom for Russia Legion.

The group is made up of troops who switched sides to Ukraine after becoming furious fighters for the tyrants who ruled Russia and Belarus.

In the video, the woman sits behind the blue and white flag that has become the symbol of the defector squad and says, "We must all stop the war together and bring real freedom to Russia. The regime of Putin must be overthrown.

"Stop tolerating the tyrant. Join our legion."

The number of soldiers in the rag tag unit is unknown, but hundreds of Russians have crossed the Ukrainian border since early March, when the unit was created.

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