Safari guides hold their nerve after elephants charge at them in South Africa's Kruger National Park

Inches from death: Incredible moment safari guides hold their composure in front of the charging elephant and avoid shooting the animal to save its own skinAn elephant ran towards guides Devon Myers and Sean Carter in Kruger National Park within 20 feet of them Just before Myers and Carter pulled the trigger on their weapons to protect the group, the animal swerved

This is the jaw-dropping moment two safari guides kept their cool in front of a charging elephant - and bravely gave him the chance to live.

Many in their position would have taken the option of a panicked shot to save their own skins, but this pair gave the tusker the benefit of the doubt.

The three-ton raging beast swooped down on 38-year-old Devon Myers and 37-year-old Sean Carter. at full speed and ready to trample them both to death.

But the very experienced off-piste guides shouted loudly and stood up to try and convince the elephant to put on the brakes.

Their courage paid off as the elephant rampaged through the wilderness of the Pafuri area of ​​the park National Kruger, South Africa, halted the attack.

When the female elephant was 20 feet away, she finally swerved into a dust devil just in time, avoiding being shot

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Safari guides hold their nerve after elephants charge at them in South Africa's Kruger National Park
Inches from death: Incredible moment safari guides hold their composure in front of the charging elephant and avoid shooting the animal to save its own skinAn elephant ran towards guides Devon Myers and Sean Carter in Kruger National Park within 20 feet of them Just before Myers and Carter pulled the trigger on their weapons to protect the group, the animal swerved

This is the jaw-dropping moment two safari guides kept their cool in front of a charging elephant - and bravely gave him the chance to live.

Many in their position would have taken the option of a panicked shot to save their own skins, but this pair gave the tusker the benefit of the doubt.

The three-ton raging beast swooped down on 38-year-old Devon Myers and 37-year-old Sean Carter. at full speed and ready to trample them both to death.

But the very experienced off-piste guides shouted loudly and stood up to try and convince the elephant to put on the brakes.

Their courage paid off as the elephant rampaged through the wilderness of the Pafuri area of ​​the park National Kruger, South Africa, halted the attack.

When the female elephant was 20 feet away, she finally swerved into a dust devil just in time, avoiding being shot

I believe this recent

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