Starmer shows a ruthless new side as he prepares to purge the party of 'problematic' MPs

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Sir Keir Starmer is ready to show his ruthless side by purging 'problematic' Labor MPs before the next election.

The Labor leader is reportedly considering getting rid of of a dozen MPs, including Liam Byrne, Khalid Mahmood and Neil Coyle.

As part of a crackdown aimed at preparing the Labor Party to enter government, Sir Keir is drawing up plans to abandon the deputies who could harm the state. party.

Decisions about who may be barred from showing up will be based on “behavioral and reputational issues,” according to reports.

A source told the The Times "the party is preparing to clear the ground" and will "welcome some of the MPs it does not want to run in the next election".

Another said: " We just can't afford to screw up a potentially historic majority with internal bullshit, it's not worth it, and we need really good people to be able to do their jobs as MPs, including handing over question their own conduct. p>

The full list of those who may be banned has not been confirmed.

Mr. Coyle had the Labor Party whip reinstated in May after he was suspended for using "racially offensive language" in a drunken drink. meeting on the parliamentary domain.

Mr. Mahmood was tried in court last year for unfairly firing his assistant and ex-girlfriend after she felt "marginalized and isolated" in the months before he lost his job. .

And Mr Byrne was suspended from the Commons for bullying a staff member. He is also responsible for the infamous 'no money' note, left in the treasury after Labor lost in the 2010 election.

It is still used by the Tories to attack Labour.


MPs have been contacted for comment.

Sir Keir previously said he had been 'ruthless' in preventing former leader Jeremy Corbyn from standing as the Labor candidate in the next general elections due next year.

< p>was accused by the Momentum founder of behaving like a “Labour Party Putin” after his motion...

Starmer shows a ruthless new side as he prepares to purge the party of 'problematic' MPs
IndyEatSign up to receive the email View from Westminster for Expert Analytics straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive offers, events and updates by email day of The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }}

Sir Keir Starmer is ready to show his ruthless side by purging 'problematic' Labor MPs before the next election.

The Labor leader is reportedly considering getting rid of of a dozen MPs, including Liam Byrne, Khalid Mahmood and Neil Coyle.

As part of a crackdown aimed at preparing the Labor Party to enter government, Sir Keir is drawing up plans to abandon the deputies who could harm the state. party.

Decisions about who may be barred from showing up will be based on “behavioral and reputational issues,” according to reports.

A source told the The Times "the party is preparing to clear the ground" and will "welcome some of the MPs it does not want to run in the next election".

Another said: " We just can't afford to screw up a potentially historic majority with internal bullshit, it's not worth it, and we need really good people to be able to do their jobs as MPs, including handing over question their own conduct. p>

The full list of those who may be banned has not been confirmed.

Mr. Coyle had the Labor Party whip reinstated in May after he was suspended for using "racially offensive language" in a drunken drink. meeting on the parliamentary domain.

Mr. Mahmood was tried in court last year for unfairly firing his assistant and ex-girlfriend after she felt "marginalized and isolated" in the months before he lost his job. .

And Mr Byrne was suspended from the Commons for bullying a staff member. He is also responsible for the infamous 'no money' note, left in the treasury after Labor lost in the 2010 election.

It is still used by the Tories to attack Labour.


MPs have been contacted for comment.

Sir Keir previously said he had been 'ruthless' in preventing former leader Jeremy Corbyn from standing as the Labor candidate in the next general elections due next year.

< p>was accused by the Momentum founder of behaving like a “Labour Party Putin” after his motion...

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