Sudo without setuid binary or SSH on a Unix socket

In This job, I will detail how has replace sudo (A setuid binary) by using SSH on A local UNIX taken.

I am of THE notice that setuid/setgid binary are A UNIX legacy that should be obsolete. I will explain THE security the reasons behind that statement In A future post.

This East related has THE work of THE Confined Users GIS In Fedora.

For what to disturb?

THE main advantage of This approach East that he allow root to access has THE host Since any of them disadvantaged toolbox / distribution box container. This East particularly useful on Felt Atomic desktop computers (silver blue, Kinoite, Sericea, Onyx) Or Universal Blue (Red tuna, Bazzite) For example.

As A side effect of This facility, We Also get THE following security advantages:

No longer rely on on sudo as A setuid binary For privileged operations. To access control via A physical material token (here A Yubikey) For each privileged operation. Setting up THE server

Create THE following system units:


[Unit] Description=OpenSSH server Unix socket Documentation=man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5) [Socket] ListenStream=/run/sshd.sock Accept=yes [Install]


[Unit] Description=OpenSSH server daemon per connection (Unix socket) Documentation=man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5) Wants = After = [Service] ExecStart=-/usr/sbin/sshd -i -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config_unix StandardInput=socket

Create A dedicated configuration deposit /etc/ssh/sshd_config_unix:

# Deny all non-key based authentication methods PermitRootLogin ban-password PasswordAuthentication no PermitEmptyPasswords no GSSAPIN authentication number # Only allow access to specific users Allow users at root time # The default is to check both .ssh/authorized_keys and .ssh/authorized_keys2 # but this is overridden, so installations will only check .ssh/authorized_keys AuthorizedKeysFile.ssh/authorized_keys # override the default of no subsystem sftp subsystem /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server

Enable And to start THE new socket unit:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload $ sudo systemctl activate --now sshd-unix.socket

Add your SSH Key has /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Setting up THE customer

Install socat And to use THE following fragment In /.ssh/config:

Host host.local User root # We use `run/host/run` instead of `/run` to work seamlessly in and out of containers ProxyCommand socat - UNIX-CLIENT:/run/host/run/sshd.sock # Path to your SSH key. See: Identity file ~/.ssh/keys/localroot # Force TTY allocation to always get an interactive shell RequestTTY yes # Reduce log output LogLevel SILENT

Test your configuration:

$ ssh host.local [root@phoenix ~]#
Shell a.k.a

Let's go create A sudohost shell "a.k.a" (function) that You can add has your Hit Or ZSH configuration has TO DO using This order easier:

# Get an interactive root shell or run a command as root on the host sudohost() { if [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]]; SO ssh host.local "cd \"${PWD}\"; exec \"${SHELL}\" --login" other ssh host.local "cd \"${PWD}\"; exec \"${@}\"" Fi

Test THE nickname:

Sudo without setuid binary or SSH on a Unix socket

In This job, I will detail how has replace sudo (A setuid binary) by using SSH on A local UNIX taken.

I am of THE notice that setuid/setgid binary are A UNIX legacy that should be obsolete. I will explain THE security the reasons behind that statement In A future post.

This East related has THE work of THE Confined Users GIS In Fedora.

For what to disturb?

THE main advantage of This approach East that he allow root to access has THE host Since any of them disadvantaged toolbox / distribution box container. This East particularly useful on Felt Atomic desktop computers (silver blue, Kinoite, Sericea, Onyx) Or Universal Blue (Red tuna, Bazzite) For example.

As A side effect of This facility, We Also get THE following security advantages:

No longer rely on on sudo as A setuid binary For privileged operations. To access control via A physical material token (here A Yubikey) For each privileged operation. Setting up THE server

Create THE following system units:


[Unit] Description=OpenSSH server Unix socket Documentation=man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5) [Socket] ListenStream=/run/sshd.sock Accept=yes [Install]


[Unit] Description=OpenSSH server daemon per connection (Unix socket) Documentation=man:sshd(8) man:sshd_config(5) Wants = After = [Service] ExecStart=-/usr/sbin/sshd -i -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config_unix StandardInput=socket

Create A dedicated configuration deposit /etc/ssh/sshd_config_unix:

# Deny all non-key based authentication methods PermitRootLogin ban-password PasswordAuthentication no PermitEmptyPasswords no GSSAPIN authentication number # Only allow access to specific users Allow users at root time # The default is to check both .ssh/authorized_keys and .ssh/authorized_keys2 # but this is overridden, so installations will only check .ssh/authorized_keys AuthorizedKeysFile.ssh/authorized_keys # override the default of no subsystem sftp subsystem /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server

Enable And to start THE new socket unit:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload $ sudo systemctl activate --now sshd-unix.socket

Add your SSH Key has /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Setting up THE customer

Install socat And to use THE following fragment In /.ssh/config:

Host host.local User root # We use `run/host/run` instead of `/run` to work seamlessly in and out of containers ProxyCommand socat - UNIX-CLIENT:/run/host/run/sshd.sock # Path to your SSH key. See: Identity file ~/.ssh/keys/localroot # Force TTY allocation to always get an interactive shell RequestTTY yes # Reduce log output LogLevel SILENT

Test your configuration:

$ ssh host.local [root@phoenix ~]#
Shell a.k.a

Let's go create A sudohost shell "a.k.a" (function) that You can add has your Hit Or ZSH configuration has TO DO using This order easier:

# Get an interactive root shell or run a command as root on the host sudohost() { if [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]]; SO ssh host.local "cd \"${PWD}\"; exec \"${SHELL}\" --login" other ssh host.local "cd \"${PWD}\"; exec \"${@}\"" Fi

Test THE nickname:

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