Super Size Me director Morgan Spurlock dies days after film's 20th anniversary

In "Great Size Me," Morgan Spur spent 30 days eat only McDonalds food with THE caution that if THE restaurant server guest him, he would be to have has Great Size her meal. His cholesterol shot up, he won more that 20 pound sterling during This time, And he developed other health problems. Although THE movie was do on A limited means budget of $65,000, "Great Size Me" became part of THE rising Slow Food movement dedicated has improvement THE food industry And finished up grow bigger $22 millions.


THE Oscar nominee documentary almost certainly directed has changes In THE fast food industry. After THE movies success, McDonalds drawn It is Great Size option but claims THE move had Nothing has TO DO with THE movie. However, Spur believed "Great Size Me" had A generally positive effect. "I TO DO think THE movie did open people eyes, And has less open THE door has A even bigger conversation," he said Civil Eat In 2010.

Super Size Me director Morgan Spurlock dies days after film's 20th anniversary

In "Great Size Me," Morgan Spur spent 30 days eat only McDonalds food with THE caution that if THE restaurant server guest him, he would be to have has Great Size her meal. His cholesterol shot up, he won more that 20 pound sterling during This time, And he developed other health problems. Although THE movie was do on A limited means budget of $65,000, "Great Size Me" became part of THE rising Slow Food movement dedicated has improvement THE food industry And finished up grow bigger $22 millions.


THE Oscar nominee documentary almost certainly directed has changes In THE fast food industry. After THE movies success, McDonalds drawn It is Great Size option but claims THE move had Nothing has TO DO with THE movie. However, Spur believed "Great Size Me" had A generally positive effect. "I TO DO think THE movie did open people eyes, And has less open THE door has A even bigger conversation," he said Civil Eat In 2010.

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