Talk TV: Liz Truss screams 'oh my God' before crash cuts thread of leaders' debate

The Foreign Secretary looked surprised as she was mid-sentence during a live televised debate with the presidential candidate the leadership of the conservatives Rishi Sunak

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Debate TV: resounding crash interrupts leadership debate

A live televised debate between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak was cut short after a loud crash was heard off-screen.

The shocked foreign secretary, who was in mid-sentence when it happened, appeared to say 'my god' before the stream cut off as she rushed from her podium.

The debate was hosted by The Sun/TalkTV, with voters asking questions of the two aspiring prime ministers.

A Sun spokeswoman said the debate was suspended due to a medical issue.

“There was a medical issue, we hope to be back soon,” she told the PA news agency.



Talk TV)

It is understood that no one was seriously injured in the incident.

Previously, a concerned voter asked Tory leadership candidates if his family should go vegetarian because of rising meat prices.

Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss have been told by a woman named Gemma that the price increases have made it difficult for her loved ones to shop.

She asked, "Should my family go vegetarian?"

Ms Truss said it was a 'personal choice' and claimed it was 'morally wrong to raise taxes on ordinary people' - a key battleground in the race for n ° 10.

Mr. Sunak said, "The thing we can do is hold our supermarkets to account."

Talk TV: Liz Truss screams 'oh my God' before crash cuts thread of leaders' debate

The Foreign Secretary looked surprised as she was mid-sentence during a live televised debate with the presidential candidate the leadership of the conservatives Rishi Sunak

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Debate TV: resounding crash interrupts leadership debate

A live televised debate between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak was cut short after a loud crash was heard off-screen.

The shocked foreign secretary, who was in mid-sentence when it happened, appeared to say 'my god' before the stream cut off as she rushed from her podium.

The debate was hosted by The Sun/TalkTV, with voters asking questions of the two aspiring prime ministers.

A Sun spokeswoman said the debate was suspended due to a medical issue.

“There was a medical issue, we hope to be back soon,” she told the PA news agency.



Talk TV)

It is understood that no one was seriously injured in the incident.

Previously, a concerned voter asked Tory leadership candidates if his family should go vegetarian because of rising meat prices.

Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss have been told by a woman named Gemma that the price increases have made it difficult for her loved ones to shop.

She asked, "Should my family go vegetarian?"

Ms Truss said it was a 'personal choice' and claimed it was 'morally wrong to raise taxes on ordinary people' - a key battleground in the race for n ° 10.

Mr. Sunak said, "The thing we can do is hold our supermarkets to account."

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