The 13 Best Star Wars Clones, Ranked

“Experience comes first,” Rex tells Ahsoka Tano. Because of his experience, Rex outranks everyone. Due to his seniority, he obtains the position of n°1 on this list. Through hard work, traumatic battles, existential crises, and sheer fortune with the Force, Rex is the survivor and fighter forever in his blue-tinted armor. Rex's journey began with the 2008 film "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" and (so far) ends with his participation (canonically confirmed in "Rebels") in the Rebellion's decisive victory at the Battle of 'Endor. Having the privilege of aging into a friendly old geezer by the events of "Rebels", Rex encompasses the struggles of a clone veteran re-entering another war.

From the Clone Wars to the rise of the Empire to winning the Rebellion, Rex has been through it all, survived it all, and seen it all. He learned from the good, the bad, and the contradictions from his clone siblings. From Cut Lawquane, Rex learned to make decisions for himself. From Dogma, Rex realized that extreme obedience is a deadly game. From Echo, he learned to let go of the past. From Fives, Rex heeded the warnings to preserve the individuality of the clones. Rex's wisdom comes from the multiple perspectives of his clone brethren.

The 13 Best Star Wars Clones, Ranked

“Experience comes first,” Rex tells Ahsoka Tano. Because of his experience, Rex outranks everyone. Due to his seniority, he obtains the position of n°1 on this list. Through hard work, traumatic battles, existential crises, and sheer fortune with the Force, Rex is the survivor and fighter forever in his blue-tinted armor. Rex's journey began with the 2008 film "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" and (so far) ends with his participation (canonically confirmed in "Rebels") in the Rebellion's decisive victory at the Battle of 'Endor. Having the privilege of aging into a friendly old geezer by the events of "Rebels", Rex encompasses the struggles of a clone veteran re-entering another war.

From the Clone Wars to the rise of the Empire to winning the Rebellion, Rex has been through it all, survived it all, and seen it all. He learned from the good, the bad, and the contradictions from his clone siblings. From Cut Lawquane, Rex learned to make decisions for himself. From Dogma, Rex realized that extreme obedience is a deadly game. From Echo, he learned to let go of the past. From Fives, Rex heeded the warnings to preserve the individuality of the clones. Rex's wisdom comes from the multiple perspectives of his clone brethren.

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