The best horror movies of 2022, ranked

As the saying goes, hell is other people, and that's certainly true of the dreadful "Speak No Evil". I love the horror genre with all my heart, but sometimes a movie comes along that I never want to see again. Such is the case with "Speak No Evil", a film so dark and cruel that it is sure to infuriate some. I definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone, especially someone looking for a quick, cheap scare. But if you're craving something existentially dreadful, look no further.

While on vacation, Danish couple Bjørn and Louise meet Patrick and Karin, a Dutch couple, who are apparently friendly. Maybe too friendly. So friendly, in fact, that they invite Bjørn and Louise and the couple's daughter, Agnes, to spend the weekend with them. Now, the social reject that I am, I would quickly say "Thanks, but no thanks!" to this whole idea. Spend the weekend with people I barely know? Not my cup of tea. But Bjørn and Louise accept the idea. Almost immediately, things get awkward and the mood grows increasingly threatening, yet Bjørn and Louise don't want to offend their hosts and continue to put up with Patrick and Karin's odd behavior. To say more would ruin the punch of the film's final minutes, but just know that "Speak No Evil" isn't for the faint-hearted. It's not even that the finale is particularly gory. It's so cruel and wicked that those who aren't prepared for it are going to be shocked.

The best horror movies of 2022, ranked

As the saying goes, hell is other people, and that's certainly true of the dreadful "Speak No Evil". I love the horror genre with all my heart, but sometimes a movie comes along that I never want to see again. Such is the case with "Speak No Evil", a film so dark and cruel that it is sure to infuriate some. I definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone, especially someone looking for a quick, cheap scare. But if you're craving something existentially dreadful, look no further.

While on vacation, Danish couple Bjørn and Louise meet Patrick and Karin, a Dutch couple, who are apparently friendly. Maybe too friendly. So friendly, in fact, that they invite Bjørn and Louise and the couple's daughter, Agnes, to spend the weekend with them. Now, the social reject that I am, I would quickly say "Thanks, but no thanks!" to this whole idea. Spend the weekend with people I barely know? Not my cup of tea. But Bjørn and Louise accept the idea. Almost immediately, things get awkward and the mood grows increasingly threatening, yet Bjørn and Louise don't want to offend their hosts and continue to put up with Patrick and Karin's odd behavior. To say more would ruin the punch of the film's final minutes, but just know that "Speak No Evil" isn't for the faint-hearted. It's not even that the finale is particularly gory. It's so cruel and wicked that those who aren't prepared for it are going to be shocked.

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