The Coziest Horror Movies of All Time, From 'Halloween' to 'Psycho II'

In October, Variety enlisted some of our favorite creepy content creators to share their essentials scary movies. Matt Gourley and Paul Rust, whose "With Gourley and Rust" podcast has been analyzing horror franchises film by film since 2018, shared their picks for the coziest horror movies of all time.< /p>

Although slashers have traditionally been known for getting their hearts racing, the co-hosts of "With Gourley and Rust” find plenty of nostalgia in the aesthetics, locations and fashions of 70s and 80s horror. mostly eclipse the lengths of the films themselves, and focus on the warm, fuzzy elements of slasher icons like Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers. Of course, there was no better duo to share their picks. of the most cozy horror movies of all time.

"Many people might think it counterintuitive that a horror movie should be comfortable, but part of the reason I think people watch these movies is the catharsis of being scared, but also realizing that it's not real, so you go on an adventure. The same can be true for comfort," Gourley said. "You can be scared and realize you're safe at the same time, and sometimes extreme fear makes you realize how your real life can be safe and comfortable. Then add to that some horror movies whose sets, characters and, frankly, powder blue sweaters (in the case of Jason Voorhees' mom) make for the coziest things in the world."

"Even people who don't like horror movies will usually like the first 20 minutes because that it's just to establish all the things that are enjoyable, i.e. comfortable, about life," Rust said. "Some people can make a point, like the 80s comedians who say: 'Why can't they make a whole plane out of the black box?' You might say, 'Why can't they make a whole movie out of the cozy? "I'm waiting for that day! But until then, we get the first 20 minutes to see people in comfortable situations. And then, as Gourley said, at the end, people are running around all scuffed up, in the rain and in the dark. And I'm like, 'That's not me. I'm on a couch right now.'"

Check out the duo's picks – with comments – below.


The Coziest Horror Movies of All Time, From 'Halloween' to 'Psycho II'

In October, Variety enlisted some of our favorite creepy content creators to share their essentials scary movies. Matt Gourley and Paul Rust, whose "With Gourley and Rust" podcast has been analyzing horror franchises film by film since 2018, shared their picks for the coziest horror movies of all time.< /p>

Although slashers have traditionally been known for getting their hearts racing, the co-hosts of "With Gourley and Rust” find plenty of nostalgia in the aesthetics, locations and fashions of 70s and 80s horror. mostly eclipse the lengths of the films themselves, and focus on the warm, fuzzy elements of slasher icons like Freddy Krueger and Michael Myers. Of course, there was no better duo to share their picks. of the most cozy horror movies of all time.

"Many people might think it counterintuitive that a horror movie should be comfortable, but part of the reason I think people watch these movies is the catharsis of being scared, but also realizing that it's not real, so you go on an adventure. The same can be true for comfort," Gourley said. "You can be scared and realize you're safe at the same time, and sometimes extreme fear makes you realize how your real life can be safe and comfortable. Then add to that some horror movies whose sets, characters and, frankly, powder blue sweaters (in the case of Jason Voorhees' mom) make for the coziest things in the world."

"Even people who don't like horror movies will usually like the first 20 minutes because that it's just to establish all the things that are enjoyable, i.e. comfortable, about life," Rust said. "Some people can make a point, like the 80s comedians who say: 'Why can't they make a whole plane out of the black box?' You might say, 'Why can't they make a whole movie out of the cozy? "I'm waiting for that day! But until then, we get the first 20 minutes to see people in comfortable situations. And then, as Gourley said, at the end, people are running around all scuffed up, in the rain and in the dark. And I'm like, 'That's not me. I'm on a couch right now.'"

Check out the duo's picks – with comments – below.


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