The crazy metaverse - ideas from the fringe

Missed a session of GamesBeat Summit Next 2022? All sessions are now available for viewing in our on-demand library. Click here to start watching.

Any change in society, whether technological or otherwise, brings a flood of new ideas. We rarely remember the proposed alternatives because the mainstream dictates what history remembers. The "Craziest Ideas for the Future of Gaming and the Metaverse" panel during this year's GamesBeat Summit Next 2022 discusses these types of ideas.

The craziest ideas for the future of gaming and the metaverse panel at GamesBeat Summit Next.

Moderator Mark Long, CEO of NEON, opened the ball rolling with a question about what's going on in the metaverse today. “I'm all about misguided passion. I've made a career out of such bad video game ideas, so I'm so excited to be hosting such a fun panel. So there are bad ideas and good ideas, right? What are some of the best ideas that you really like?"

"The whole game of winning has a bit of a bad rap," replied Viz Virk from MIT. "In 2007, 2008, when Second Life was big, people had Second Life jobs and they were like, 'I have to show up at eight at this bar, right? "And that was a core part of their income. So I think this merging of your work in the metaverse and getting paid in the metaverse for the work is a good idea in the long run, even if the savings from some of the games so far haven't been handled well for this purpose.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a concept we see more in movies than in everyday practice. Nils Wollny, CEO of Holoride, wants to bring augmented reality to more than just a desktop environment. In fact, he wants to bring it to your car.


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The crazy metaverse - ideas from the fringe

Missed a session of GamesBeat Summit Next 2022? All sessions are now available for viewing in our on-demand library. Click here to start watching.

Any change in society, whether technological or otherwise, brings a flood of new ideas. We rarely remember the proposed alternatives because the mainstream dictates what history remembers. The "Craziest Ideas for the Future of Gaming and the Metaverse" panel during this year's GamesBeat Summit Next 2022 discusses these types of ideas.

The craziest ideas for the future of gaming and the metaverse panel at GamesBeat Summit Next.

Moderator Mark Long, CEO of NEON, opened the ball rolling with a question about what's going on in the metaverse today. “I'm all about misguided passion. I've made a career out of such bad video game ideas, so I'm so excited to be hosting such a fun panel. So there are bad ideas and good ideas, right? What are some of the best ideas that you really like?"

"The whole game of winning has a bit of a bad rap," replied Viz Virk from MIT. "In 2007, 2008, when Second Life was big, people had Second Life jobs and they were like, 'I have to show up at eight at this bar, right? "And that was a core part of their income. So I think this merging of your work in the metaverse and getting paid in the metaverse for the work is a good idea in the long run, even if the savings from some of the games so far haven't been handled well for this purpose.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a concept we see more in movies than in everyday practice. Nils Wollny, CEO of Holoride, wants to bring augmented reality to more than just a desktop environment. In fact, he wants to bring it to your car.


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Learn how to build, scale, and manage low-code programs in an easy way that creates success for everyone this November 9th. Sign up for your free pass today.

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