A third of civil servants skip meals to save money, survey finds


One in three public servants skipped meals to save money money following the cost of living crisis, a union has demanded.

A survey of more than 12,000 members of the public service union PCS found that 9% had sought benefits and 8% had used food banks to get by as inflation soars.

CSP General Secretary Mark Serwotka said that after helping the country to get through the Covid pandemic, civil servants were now 'cast adrift' with a wage offer below inflation.

A framework for wage awards 2022/23 issued by the government in March stated that departments would be allowed to offer salary rewards of 2% on average, with an additional 1% flexibility to provide long-term staffing priorities.

The agreement comes at a time when the Bank of expects inflation to reach 13% before the end of the year.

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A third of civil servants skip meals to save money, survey finds

One in three public servants skipped meals to save money money following the cost of living crisis, a union has demanded.

A survey of more than 12,000 members of the public service union PCS found that 9% had sought benefits and 8% had used food banks to get by as inflation soars.

CSP General Secretary Mark Serwotka said that after helping the country to get through the Covid pandemic, civil servants were now 'cast adrift' with a wage offer below inflation.

A framework for wage awards 2022/23 issued by the government in March stated that departments would be allowed to offer salary rewards of 2% on average, with an additional 1% flexibility to provide long-term staffing priorities.

The agreement comes at a time when the Bank of expects inflation to reach 13% before the end of the year.

RecommendedPlans to cut 91,000 civil service jobs Plans to cut 91,000 civil service jobs 'would need cuts to key frontline services' Truss and Sunak should agree joint plan on 'terrifying' energy bills, says CBI bossTruss and Sunak should agree on joint billing plan of "terrifying" energy, says CB boss IOver half of Brits think non-payment of energy bills is 'justified' as cost of living crisis ragesMore than half of Britons think non-payment of energy bills is "justified "As the cost of living crisis rages

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