“Ticket closures are an attack on the ties that bind society together”

No thought has been given to those who need guarded counters like the elderly and disabled

Mick Lynch Mick Lynch (

Image: PA)

The railroad bosses who plan the mass closing of ticket offices know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

In their quest for ever greater profits, hundreds of loyal employees will be sacrificed.

But it's not just the loss of jobs that makes this decision so deplorable.

No thought has been given to those who need guarded counters such as the elderly and the disabled. Labor leaders Mick Lynch and David Ward speak for many when they say the closures are an attack on the ties that bind society together.

Companies that only see the bottom line will never understand the difference a helping hand or a friendly smile can make.

Jobs we once took for granted (bus drivers, cashiers, park attendants) are already victims of budget cuts and corporate greed.

Yet these are the types of people who help build communities. We must not allow counter staff to follow the same path.

crazy bark

There has been an increase in dogfights fueled by the sickening habit of streaming illegal dating videos online.

Fighting has also been linked to the popularity of "status" breeds such as XL Bullies.

Social media companies have again shown that they are unwilling or unable to police content.

And the sickening increase in these savage murder battles shows the folly of sticking to unnecessary and outdated dog ownership laws.

Fantastic Fiona

The outpouring of love and support for Fiona Phillips is testament to the affection extended to her by friends, fans and Mirror readers.

Her courage in revealing that she lives with Alzheimer's disease has helped raise awareness and comfort for those similarly affected.

She also helped remind people of the important work the Alzheimer Society does to support families and push for better diagnosis of the disease.

“Ticket closures are an attack on the ties that bind society together”

No thought has been given to those who need guarded counters like the elderly and disabled

Mick Lynch Mick Lynch (

Image: PA)

The railroad bosses who plan the mass closing of ticket offices know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

In their quest for ever greater profits, hundreds of loyal employees will be sacrificed.

But it's not just the loss of jobs that makes this decision so deplorable.

No thought has been given to those who need guarded counters such as the elderly and the disabled. Labor leaders Mick Lynch and David Ward speak for many when they say the closures are an attack on the ties that bind society together.

Companies that only see the bottom line will never understand the difference a helping hand or a friendly smile can make.

Jobs we once took for granted (bus drivers, cashiers, park attendants) are already victims of budget cuts and corporate greed.

Yet these are the types of people who help build communities. We must not allow counter staff to follow the same path.

crazy bark

There has been an increase in dogfights fueled by the sickening habit of streaming illegal dating videos online.

Fighting has also been linked to the popularity of "status" breeds such as XL Bullies.

Social media companies have again shown that they are unwilling or unable to police content.

And the sickening increase in these savage murder battles shows the folly of sticking to unnecessary and outdated dog ownership laws.

Fantastic Fiona

The outpouring of love and support for Fiona Phillips is testament to the affection extended to her by friends, fans and Mirror readers.

Her courage in revealing that she lives with Alzheimer's disease has helped raise awareness and comfort for those similarly affected.

She also helped remind people of the important work the Alzheimer Society does to support families and push for better diagnosis of the disease.

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