TikTok Star Melanie Wilking Reacts to Miranda Derrick's Response to 'Dancing for the Devil'

Melanie Wilking and Miranda Derrick

Tic Tac star Melanie Wilking is weighing In on THE Dancing For THE Devil: THE 7M Tic Tac Worship drama. In answer has her stranger sister Miranda Derrick's reaction has THE doctor, Melanie claims that Miranda And her husband, James Derrick, "were reached out has a lot times" about that.

"And decreases each time," Melanie said To access Hollywood on THURSDAY, June 6.

THE social media personality went on has indicate out that She And her family "knew [Miranda] was In A worship, SO of course, We are while going has to have OUR guard up." THE Dancer Also explain that She "went has two of [7M] private dinners And two of THE services that You to have has be guest has, And I selected up on all these red flags. »

"SO, When she is saying that We were not united, he was because I was seeing What She was not seeing," Melanie continued, referent has Miranda. "I was seeing that they research has, because I was not while going more, they research has rip We apart. And Of course enough look Or We are."

Earlier This week, Miranda sharing A statement via her Instagram Stories about THE worship allegations do In THE in three parties Netflix docuseries, which created on Can 29.

"I love My Mom, Dad And Melanie And they will forever be A part of My life," Miranda began. "THE truth East, We just don't do it see eye has eye has This time. I believe that This documentary East A unilateral history. I gave My life has Jesus Christ In 2020 And request My family For a few space In THE very beginning has collect My thoughts And process My new to walk I research has take with God. »

Miranda SO added that person "love has be depicted as their brainwashed/not In control of her own life/shell of herself/human is being trafficked daughter/sister When that just is not it THE truth. »

THE Netflix doc concentrates on THE controversial with 7M Movies Shekinah Church, which Miranda has has been implied In Since 2020. THE band was based by pastor Robert Shinn, WHO East Currently In A legal battle against several ancient 7M members.

Robert deposit A defamation trial against A ancient church member In 2022. THE member denied THE accusations, And She counter attack Robert THE following year. In March 2023, THE ancient member alleged, “Shekinah East A worship Operating below THE disguise of A religious institution," by Rolling Pierre.

TikTok Star Melanie Wilking Reacts to Miranda Derrick's Response to 'Dancing for the Devil'
Melanie Wilking and Miranda Derrick

Tic Tac star Melanie Wilking is weighing In on THE Dancing For THE Devil: THE 7M Tic Tac Worship drama. In answer has her stranger sister Miranda Derrick's reaction has THE doctor, Melanie claims that Miranda And her husband, James Derrick, "were reached out has a lot times" about that.

"And decreases each time," Melanie said To access Hollywood on THURSDAY, June 6.

THE social media personality went on has indicate out that She And her family "knew [Miranda] was In A worship, SO of course, We are while going has to have OUR guard up." THE Dancer Also explain that She "went has two of [7M] private dinners And two of THE services that You to have has be guest has, And I selected up on all these red flags. »

"SO, When she is saying that We were not united, he was because I was seeing What She was not seeing," Melanie continued, referent has Miranda. "I was seeing that they research has, because I was not while going more, they research has rip We apart. And Of course enough look Or We are."

Earlier This week, Miranda sharing A statement via her Instagram Stories about THE worship allegations do In THE in three parties Netflix docuseries, which created on Can 29.

"I love My Mom, Dad And Melanie And they will forever be A part of My life," Miranda began. "THE truth East, We just don't do it see eye has eye has This time. I believe that This documentary East A unilateral history. I gave My life has Jesus Christ In 2020 And request My family For a few space In THE very beginning has collect My thoughts And process My new to walk I research has take with God. »

Miranda SO added that person "love has be depicted as their brainwashed/not In control of her own life/shell of herself/human is being trafficked daughter/sister When that just is not it THE truth. »

THE Netflix doc concentrates on THE controversial with 7M Movies Shekinah Church, which Miranda has has been implied In Since 2020. THE band was based by pastor Robert Shinn, WHO East Currently In A legal battle against several ancient 7M members.

Robert deposit A defamation trial against A ancient church member In 2022. THE member denied THE accusations, And She counter attack Robert THE following year. In March 2023, THE ancient member alleged, “Shekinah East A worship Operating below THE disguise of A religious institution," by Rolling Pierre.

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