It's time to update your password: 26 billion pieces of personal data have just been leaked

Author: Alaina Yeah, Senior Editor

Alaina Yeah East PCWorld resident to bargain hunter - when she is not covering software, PC building, And more, she is scouring For THE best technology offers. Previously her work has appeared In PC Player, IGN, Maximum computer, And Official Xbox Review. You can find her on Twitter has @morphingball.

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It's time to update your password: 26 billion pieces of personal data have just been leaked
Author: Alaina Yeah, Senior Editor

Alaina Yeah East PCWorld resident to bargain hunter - when she is not covering software, PC building, And more, she is scouring For THE best technology offers. Previously her work has appeared In PC Player, IGN, Maximum computer, And Official Xbox Review. You can find her on Twitter has @morphingball.

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