Conservatives 'plot to replace Liz Truss with Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt pact'

Liz Truss is reportedly considering another mini budget U-turn as speculation grows that her days are numbered, with senior Tory MPs who would plot a replacement< /p> Liz Truss is reportedly considering a second mini-turn around budget as speculation grows that its days are numbered height= Liz Truss is said to be considering a second mini-budget U-turn as speculation grows that her days are numbered (

Image: Getty Images)

Senior Tories are reportedly plotting to replace Liz Truss with Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt as the Prime Minister comes under pressure just 37 days after taking office.

The embattled PM is said to be considering a second mini-budget U-turn as speculation grows that its days are numbered.

Cabinet ministers have paved the way for a possible cut to the £19bn-a-year rise in corporation tax.

Snipping former Chancellor Rishi Sunak's tax hike was a key policy during Ms Truss' Tory leadership campaign and a U-turn would deal a devastating blow to her authority.

Former MP Paul Goodman said 'one idea floating around' among backbench MPs is that Mr Sunak and Penny Mordaunt could 'take over' from Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng and Ms Truss.

Tonight it was reported that the idea of ​​a joint ticket was being discussed with senior Tories wanting a 'coronation' if the Prime Minister falls.

Striking former Chancellor Rishi Sunak's tax hike was a key policy during Ms. Truss
Snipping former Chancellor Rishi Sunak's tax hike was a key policy during Ms. Truss's Conservative leadership campaign (


AFP via Getty Images)

One MP said: "The Rishi people, the Penny people and the sane Truss supporters who realize she's a disaster just need to sit down together and figure out who the running mate is. unit".

But a senior Tory MP said it was 'premature' for the party to consider getting rid of Ms Truss, adding that it would be seen as 'complete...

Conservatives 'plot to replace Liz Truss with Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt pact'

Liz Truss is reportedly considering another mini budget U-turn as speculation grows that her days are numbered, with senior Tory MPs who would plot a replacement< /p> Liz Truss is reportedly considering a second mini-turn around budget as speculation grows that its days are numbered height= Liz Truss is said to be considering a second mini-budget U-turn as speculation grows that her days are numbered (

Image: Getty Images)

Senior Tories are reportedly plotting to replace Liz Truss with Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt as the Prime Minister comes under pressure just 37 days after taking office.

The embattled PM is said to be considering a second mini-budget U-turn as speculation grows that its days are numbered.

Cabinet ministers have paved the way for a possible cut to the £19bn-a-year rise in corporation tax.

Snipping former Chancellor Rishi Sunak's tax hike was a key policy during Ms Truss' Tory leadership campaign and a U-turn would deal a devastating blow to her authority.

Former MP Paul Goodman said 'one idea floating around' among backbench MPs is that Mr Sunak and Penny Mordaunt could 'take over' from Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng and Ms Truss.

Tonight it was reported that the idea of ​​a joint ticket was being discussed with senior Tories wanting a 'coronation' if the Prime Minister falls.

Striking former Chancellor Rishi Sunak's tax hike was a key policy during Ms. Truss
Snipping former Chancellor Rishi Sunak's tax hike was a key policy during Ms. Truss's Conservative leadership campaign (


AFP via Getty Images)

One MP said: "The Rishi people, the Penny people and the sane Truss supporters who realize she's a disaster just need to sit down together and figure out who the running mate is. unit".

But a senior Tory MP said it was 'premature' for the party to consider getting rid of Ms Truss, adding that it would be seen as 'complete...

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