Tories unsure if Covid traffic light system worked despite public disruption, MPs warn

Testing and quarantine requirements for people arriving in the UK were changed 10 times between February 2021 and January 2022, according to a report by the committee of public accounts


Image: Getty Images)

The government still does not know whether the Covid traffic light system, hotel quarantine or home isolation have actually worked despite huge costs and public disruption, MPs have warned.

The Public Accounts Committee says that despite spending at least £486million on the ‘traffic light system’ for international travel during the pandemic, ministers have yet to be able to to establish if it was worth it.

The government changed travel rules at least 10 times between February 2021 and January 2022, but gave the travel industry little time to adapt.

The report states: "Managing cross-border travel was a critical part of the health measures introduced by the government during the pandemic.

“Despite spending at least £486m implementing its traffic light system to manage travel during the pandemic, the government has failed to track its spending on travel management cross-border nor set clear targets, so he does not know if the system worked or if the cost was worth the disruption caused. »

In May 2021, the traffic light system was introduced (


NurPhoto/PA Images)

The traffic light system was implemented in May 2021, it set the rules for arrivals from each country depending on whether it was on the red, orange or green list.

The taxpayer has subsidized £329m of the total cost of the £757m quarantine service, although it is meant to be self-funding, with the rest going to people travelling.

This is despite the cost for individuals increasing to over £2,200 for a single adult for 10 days in August 2021.

Only 2% of quarantined hotel guests have tested positive.

The PAC claimed that the government does not know the impact of its policies on health.

Dame Meg Hillier, President of the PAC, said: 'The approach to border controls and quarantine has caused enormous confusion and disruption with 10 changes in one year.

"And now we can see that what this achieved is unclear.

"We can be clear on one thing: the cost to the taxpayer...

Tories unsure if Covid traffic light system worked despite public disruption, MPs warn

Testing and quarantine requirements for people arriving in the UK were changed 10 times between February 2021 and January 2022, according to a report by the committee of public accounts


Image: Getty Images)

The government still does not know whether the Covid traffic light system, hotel quarantine or home isolation have actually worked despite huge costs and public disruption, MPs have warned.

The Public Accounts Committee says that despite spending at least £486million on the ‘traffic light system’ for international travel during the pandemic, ministers have yet to be able to to establish if it was worth it.

The government changed travel rules at least 10 times between February 2021 and January 2022, but gave the travel industry little time to adapt.

The report states: "Managing cross-border travel was a critical part of the health measures introduced by the government during the pandemic.

“Despite spending at least £486m implementing its traffic light system to manage travel during the pandemic, the government has failed to track its spending on travel management cross-border nor set clear targets, so he does not know if the system worked or if the cost was worth the disruption caused. »

In May 2021, the traffic light system was introduced (


NurPhoto/PA Images)

The traffic light system was implemented in May 2021, it set the rules for arrivals from each country depending on whether it was on the red, orange or green list.

The taxpayer has subsidized £329m of the total cost of the £757m quarantine service, although it is meant to be self-funding, with the rest going to people travelling.

This is despite the cost for individuals increasing to over £2,200 for a single adult for 10 days in August 2021.

Only 2% of quarantined hotel guests have tested positive.

The PAC claimed that the government does not know the impact of its policies on health.

Dame Meg Hillier, President of the PAC, said: 'The approach to border controls and quarantine has caused enormous confusion and disruption with 10 changes in one year.

"And now we can see that what this achieved is unclear.

"We can be clear on one thing: the cost to the taxpayer...

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