"The conservative amateurs who run the country have no idea how to solve the chaos of the strike"

They've only been in power for five minutes and they've never had to deal with social unrest of this magnitude. There are no veterans who have already seen everything

'There are so many ways to settle these pay disputes' “There are so many ways to settle these wage disputes” (

Image: PA)

Our country is in the throes of the chaos of strikes, from the classroom to the hospital.

Why? Because it's run by a group of inexperienced amateurs who don't know how to do the job.

They've only been in power for five minutes and they've never had to deal with social unrest of this magnitude. There are no veterans who have seen it all and know how to fix things.

And there are so many ways to do it. Ministers could ask the ACAS Conciliation Service to intervene. That's why.

A traditional Conservative government would have done this already, and if it hadn't worked, they would have set up a court of inquiry.

Or they could walk away and negotiate directly with unions over pay for teachers, NHS workers and other public sectors.

Top doctors asked headstrong Steve Barclay to drop his preconditions
Top doctors asked headstrong Steve Barclay to drop his prerequisites (


Getty Images)

There is always a deal to be made - what late TUC boss Vic Feather ruefully called "a crummy compromise". That's what unions are for, doing business for their members. But this lot does not make offers. They see themselves as Thatcher's heirs, ideological warriors on a mission to show who's boss.

This is the root of what is quickly becoming a year of discontent. Conservatives are determined to humiliate unions and humiliate their members, believing there are votes.

Ted Heath tried this in 1974 with the miners' strike. It has backfired spectacularly.

Top doctors yesterday called on headstrong Health Secretary Steve Barclay to drop his preconditions - that doctors drop their wage demands and call off strikes, essentially surrender - and agree to independent mediation.

The docs are ready, insisting their compensation claim is "not set in stone." ACAS is voluntary. The country is desperate. What's wrong?

Conservative cabinet enthusiasts owe it to the nation to accept the advice of medical leaders and avert an impending health catastrophe.

"The conservative amateurs who run the country have no idea how to solve the chaos of the strike"

They've only been in power for five minutes and they've never had to deal with social unrest of this magnitude. There are no veterans who have already seen everything

'There are so many ways to settle these pay disputes' “There are so many ways to settle these wage disputes” (

Image: PA)

Our country is in the throes of the chaos of strikes, from the classroom to the hospital.

Why? Because it's run by a group of inexperienced amateurs who don't know how to do the job.

They've only been in power for five minutes and they've never had to deal with social unrest of this magnitude. There are no veterans who have seen it all and know how to fix things.

And there are so many ways to do it. Ministers could ask the ACAS Conciliation Service to intervene. That's why.

A traditional Conservative government would have done this already, and if it hadn't worked, they would have set up a court of inquiry.

Or they could walk away and negotiate directly with unions over pay for teachers, NHS workers and other public sectors.

Top doctors asked headstrong Steve Barclay to drop his preconditions
Top doctors asked headstrong Steve Barclay to drop his prerequisites (


Getty Images)

There is always a deal to be made - what late TUC boss Vic Feather ruefully called "a crummy compromise". That's what unions are for, doing business for their members. But this lot does not make offers. They see themselves as Thatcher's heirs, ideological warriors on a mission to show who's boss.

This is the root of what is quickly becoming a year of discontent. Conservatives are determined to humiliate unions and humiliate their members, believing there are votes.

Ted Heath tried this in 1974 with the miners' strike. It has backfired spectacularly.

Top doctors yesterday called on headstrong Health Secretary Steve Barclay to drop his preconditions - that doctors drop their wage demands and call off strikes, essentially surrender - and agree to independent mediation.

The docs are ready, insisting their compensation claim is "not set in stone." ACAS is voluntary. The country is desperate. What's wrong?

Conservative cabinet enthusiasts owe it to the nation to accept the advice of medical leaders and avert an impending health catastrophe.

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