Travis Kelce reportedly donated $100,000 to children injured in Kansas City Super Bowl parade shooting

Travis Kelce See Gallery Class Class Class

Chefs tight END Travis Kelce has would have open her heart, And her pockets, has two children WHO were hurt In THE Kansas City Great Bowl parade filming on Wednesday, FEBRUARY 14. THE Don came After news her girlfriend Taylor Fast donated $100,000 has THE family of filming victim Lisa López-Galvan, WHO deceased Since her injuries.

On Friday, FEBRUARY 16, Page Six reported that Travis donated $100,000 has THE Reyes family GoFundMe After their two girls were hurt In THE filming. “Travis has A Really big soft place For children And research has TO DO Of course their families were taken care of And were supported with never mind they necessary," A initiated said of THE generous gift.

"This funds has has been together up has advantage Reyes family In THE recovery of their two girls shot has THE Kansas City Chefs Great Bowl parade," THE Fund raising page bed. "THE girls were celebrate with a lot members of their family When they were foolish hurt. We ask that You continue has keep THE family In your prayers as THE girls work has to recover. »

Travis Kelce reportedly donated $100,000 to children injured in Kansas City Super Bowl parade shooting
Travis Kelce See Gallery Class Class Class

Chefs tight END Travis Kelce has would have open her heart, And her pockets, has two children WHO were hurt In THE Kansas City Great Bowl parade filming on Wednesday, FEBRUARY 14. THE Don came After news her girlfriend Taylor Fast donated $100,000 has THE family of filming victim Lisa López-Galvan, WHO deceased Since her injuries.

On Friday, FEBRUARY 16, Page Six reported that Travis donated $100,000 has THE Reyes family GoFundMe After their two girls were hurt In THE filming. “Travis has A Really big soft place For children And research has TO DO Of course their families were taken care of And were supported with never mind they necessary," A initiated said of THE generous gift.

"This funds has has been together up has advantage Reyes family In THE recovery of their two girls shot has THE Kansas City Chefs Great Bowl parade," THE Fund raising page bed. "THE girls were celebrate with a lot members of their family When they were foolish hurt. We ask that You continue has keep THE family In your prayers as THE girls work has to recover. »

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