News Truss vs Sunak – live: Tory leadership rivals to debate in Manchester roundups

Truss "should go spectacularly wrong" to not not enter No 10, a polli ng expert said

(Jeff Overs/BBC/PA)

Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak are in Manchester to face off in yet another Tory leadership race event as the favorite has been charged with showing "his true colors" in an unearthed 2009 article promoting sweeping spending cuts.

Labour said the report by the think tank co-authored by Ms Truss - which called for 'user fees for GPs', the abolition of the Universal Child Benefit and to the scrapping of winter fuel payments - revealed that "the reality of her program is devastating cuts".

Polls have consistently placed Ms Truss as the favorite to win the race at No. 10, election guru Sir John Curtice saying the Foreign Secretary 'would have to get it wrong in spectacular f ashion' to get his rival into Downing Street instead.

Despite her stance forced into the race to replace Boris Johnson, Ms Truss drew criticism from Mr Sunak's team after refusing to attend an election campaign organized by the National Farmers' Union, and is now due to face Farmers in September , marking one of the final events of the campaign.

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News Truss vs Sunak – live: Tory leadership rivals to debate in Manchester roundups

Truss "should go spectacularly wrong" to not not enter No 10, a polli ng expert said

(Jeff Overs/BBC/PA)

Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak are in Manchester to face off in yet another Tory leadership race event as the favorite has been charged with showing "his true colors" in an unearthed 2009 article promoting sweeping spending cuts.

Labour said the report by the think tank co-authored by Ms Truss - which called for 'user fees for GPs', the abolition of the Universal Child Benefit and to the scrapping of winter fuel payments - revealed that "the reality of her program is devastating cuts".

Polls have consistently placed Ms Truss as the favorite to win the race at No. 10, election guru Sir John Curtice saying the Foreign Secretary 'would have to get it wrong in spectacular f ashion' to get his rival into Downing Street instead.

Despite her stance forced into the race to replace Boris Johnson, Ms Truss drew criticism from Mr Sunak's team after refusing to attend an election campaign organized by the National Farmers' Union, and is now due to face Farmers in September , marking one of the final events of the campaign.

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