UK and US team up to test safety of AI models

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The UK has signed an agreement with the US under which the two countries' AI security institutes will work together to test emerging AI models.

The Memorandum of Understanding This agreement will allow the two parties to align their scientific approaches and exchange information and personnel, as well as conduct joint testing exercises on AI models.

This announcement follows a commitment made at the AI ​​Security Summit, held at Bletchley Park. Last November, when major AI companies present, such as OpenAI and Google DeepMind, agreed to a voluntary program that would allow AI security institutes to evaluate and test new AI models before their publication.

This agreement represents a historic moment, as the UK and US deepen their special relationship and sustainable to meet the defining technological challenge of our generation

Michelle, Secretary of Technology. Donelan

The Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) said the new partnership with the United States would take effect immediately and the collaboration would help governments keep pace emerging risks related to AI as it continues to develop. expand rapidly.

DSIT said similar partnerships with other countries were also planned in the future.

Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan said : “This agreement represents a historic moment as the UK and the US deepen their special and enduring relationship to address the defining technological challenge of our generation. »

“We have always been clear that ensuring the safe development of AI is a shared global issue. Only by working together can we tackle the risks of technology head-on and harness its enormous potential to help us all live easier, healthier lives.

"The work of Our two countries' efforts to advance AI security will strengthen the foundations we laid at Bletchley Park in November, and I am confident that our shared expertise will continue to pave the way for countries to harness the enormous benefits of AI. AI safely and responsibly."

Gina Raimondo, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, said: “AI is the defining technology of our generation. This partnership will accelerate the work of our two institutes across the full range of risks, whether to our national security or to our society as a whole.

“Our partnership makes it clear that we do not run away from these concerns – we run from them. Thanks through our collaboration, our Institutes will gain...

UK and US team up to test safety of AI models
View from Westminster Sign up to the View from Westminster email for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter an email address valid emailPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive an email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }}

The UK has signed an agreement with the US under which the two countries' AI security institutes will work together to test emerging AI models.

The Memorandum of Understanding This agreement will allow the two parties to align their scientific approaches and exchange information and personnel, as well as conduct joint testing exercises on AI models.

This announcement follows a commitment made at the AI ​​Security Summit, held at Bletchley Park. Last November, when major AI companies present, such as OpenAI and Google DeepMind, agreed to a voluntary program that would allow AI security institutes to evaluate and test new AI models before their publication.

This agreement represents a historic moment, as the UK and US deepen their special relationship and sustainable to meet the defining technological challenge of our generation

Michelle, Secretary of Technology. Donelan

The Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) said the new partnership with the United States would take effect immediately and the collaboration would help governments keep pace emerging risks related to AI as it continues to develop. expand rapidly.

DSIT said similar partnerships with other countries were also planned in the future.

Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan said : “This agreement represents a historic moment as the UK and the US deepen their special and enduring relationship to address the defining technological challenge of our generation. »

“We have always been clear that ensuring the safe development of AI is a shared global issue. Only by working together can we tackle the risks of technology head-on and harness its enormous potential to help us all live easier, healthier lives.

"The work of Our two countries' efforts to advance AI security will strengthen the foundations we laid at Bletchley Park in November, and I am confident that our shared expertise will continue to pave the way for countries to harness the enormous benefits of AI. AI safely and responsibly."

Gina Raimondo, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, said: “AI is the defining technology of our generation. This partnership will accelerate the work of our two institutes across the full range of risks, whether to our national security or to our society as a whole.

“Our partnership makes it clear that we do not run away from these concerns – we run from them. Thanks through our collaboration, our Institutes will gain...

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