Taiwanese military planes and ships sent to respond 'appropriately' to Chinese military drills

Chinese military ships, drones and planes continued their military exercises around the Taiwanese island on Sunday morning, and Taipei decided to react to the escalation tensions

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China fires long-range missiles at Taiwan

Taiwan's Ministry of Defense revealed that it sent planes and ships to respond "appropriately" to Chinese training exercises on Sunday morning August 7.

China had been conducting military training exercises around Taiwan for three full days, causing tension between the two nations.

Some Chinese ships and planes crossed the unofficial border between the two countries over the weekend, Taiwan said.

Taiwanese Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang has urged China not to flex its muscles, while accusing it of using the exercises to "arrogantly" disrupt stability in the region.

The Ministry of Defense also said that the Chinese military training exercises were a mock attack on Taiwan.

taiwan aeroplanes
Taiwan has accused China of "arrogantly" stirring up tension between the two nations (



Chinese military exercises were due to end on Sunday, after days of tension.

The United States has also accused China of being the source of a dispute, following Democrat Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taipei last week.

A White House spokesperson said, "These activities constitute a significant escalation in China's efforts to change the status quo. They are provocative, irresponsible, and increase the risk of miscalculation.

"They are also at odds with our long-standing goal of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, which the world expects."

Taiwanese military planes and ships sent to respond 'appropriately' to Chinese military drills

Chinese military ships, drones and planes continued their military exercises around the Taiwanese island on Sunday morning, and Taipei decided to react to the escalation tensions

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China fires long-range missiles at Taiwan

Taiwan's Ministry of Defense revealed that it sent planes and ships to respond "appropriately" to Chinese training exercises on Sunday morning August 7.

China had been conducting military training exercises around Taiwan for three full days, causing tension between the two nations.

Some Chinese ships and planes crossed the unofficial border between the two countries over the weekend, Taiwan said.

Taiwanese Prime Minister Su Tseng-chang has urged China not to flex its muscles, while accusing it of using the exercises to "arrogantly" disrupt stability in the region.

The Ministry of Defense also said that the Chinese military training exercises were a mock attack on Taiwan.

taiwan aeroplanes
Taiwan has accused China of "arrogantly" stirring up tension between the two nations (



Chinese military exercises were due to end on Sunday, after days of tension.

The United States has also accused China of being the source of a dispute, following Democrat Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taipei last week.

A White House spokesperson said, "These activities constitute a significant escalation in China's efforts to change the status quo. They are provocative, irresponsible, and increase the risk of miscalculation.

"They are also at odds with our long-standing goal of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, which the world expects."

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