'Unprecedented number' of pensioners could die this winter without more help with energy bills, charity warns


“Unprecedented number” of retirees could die from cold in their homes this winter unless the government does more to help pay their rising energy bills, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak have been warned.

Age UK wrote a urgent appeal to the two Tory leadership rivals, calling on them to pledge additional emergency aid for the elderly and low-income people and to restore the triple pension lock - a guarantee that pensions increase with income , inflation or 2.5% - if they enter Downing Street.

Underlining their demand for action, the charity revealed that an extensive survey of 14,000 people over the age of 65 on their priorities for Boris Johnson's successor found that 57% wanted to see the triple lockdown restored and further help with soaring bills and inflation.

"The way the cost of living keeps rising is a nightmare for all of us, but especially for people on low incomes, including millions of pensioners," said Age UK Director Caroline Abrahams.

RecommendedCost of living crisis: Wages plunge at record pace as bills soar"One in eight people" think energy bills will go down this winter despite the alarming warningsCost of layout life: Who gets the £400 energy discount and winter fuel payment?

'Unprecedented number' of pensioners could die this winter without more help with energy bills, charity warns

“Unprecedented number” of retirees could die from cold in their homes this winter unless the government does more to help pay their rising energy bills, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak have been warned.

Age UK wrote a urgent appeal to the two Tory leadership rivals, calling on them to pledge additional emergency aid for the elderly and low-income people and to restore the triple pension lock - a guarantee that pensions increase with income , inflation or 2.5% - if they enter Downing Street.

Underlining their demand for action, the charity revealed that an extensive survey of 14,000 people over the age of 65 on their priorities for Boris Johnson's successor found that 57% wanted to see the triple lockdown restored and further help with soaring bills and inflation.

"The way the cost of living keeps rising is a nightmare for all of us, but especially for people on low incomes, including millions of pensioners," said Age UK Director Caroline Abrahams.

RecommendedCost of living crisis: Wages plunge at record pace as bills soar"One in eight people" think energy bills will go down this winter despite the alarming warningsCost of layout life: Who gets the £400 energy discount and winter fuel payment?

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