Unstoppable Domains adds .eth domains via Ethereum Name Service

Unstoppable Domains and Ethereum Name Service have dominated the decentralized domain name space as competitors - until now.

2 x rc="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/1434_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMtMDcvY2M0MDNiM2YtMDMyYy00OWE2LTkwOTgtZDNlNTgyYzMyNmJjLmpwZw==.jpg" alt="Domain you are unstoppable adds .eth domains via Ethereum Name Service " class="lazy-image__img type:primaryImage"/> News Join us on social networks

Two of the largest platforms powering Web3 decentralized domains are now available under one roof after Unstoppable Domains announced support for Ethereum Name Service (ENS) .eth domain names.


Both service providers have been central pillars in the Web3 domain space, allowing users to create human-readable domain names and cryptocurrency wallet addresses. Decentralized domains also act as a profile in the Web3 ecosystem, unlocking a host of features.

.eth is coming to Unstoppable.

Unstoppable is now your one stop shop for Web3 domains. Buy and manage your .eth, .nft or .x domains in one place.

Better yet? We're introducing a new feature that makes purchasing .eth domains easier and more transparent.


— unstoppable.polygon (@unstoppableweb) July 17, 2023

As Cointelegraph has previously explored, unstoppable and ENS domains together accounted for six million domain registrations at the start of 2023, with registrations increasing significantly from 2022 onwards.

Users can now purchase .eth names through Unstoppable with additional payment methods and features to streamline management of ENS domains. All .eth domains purchased from Unstoppable will be registered through the ENS smart contract and will have the same functionality as those registered directly through ENS.

Related: State of the Art: Decentralized Domain Services Reflect Industry Advancements

Unstoppable Domains adds .eth domains via Ethereum Name Service

Unstoppable Domains and Ethereum Name Service have dominated the decentralized domain name space as competitors - until now.

2 x rc="https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/1434_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS91cGxvYWRzLzIwMjMtMDcvY2M0MDNiM2YtMDMyYy00OWE2LTkwOTgtZDNlNTgyYzMyNmJjLmpwZw==.jpg" alt="Domain you are unstoppable adds .eth domains via Ethereum Name Service " class="lazy-image__img type:primaryImage"/> News Join us on social networks

Two of the largest platforms powering Web3 decentralized domains are now available under one roof after Unstoppable Domains announced support for Ethereum Name Service (ENS) .eth domain names.


Both service providers have been central pillars in the Web3 domain space, allowing users to create human-readable domain names and cryptocurrency wallet addresses. Decentralized domains also act as a profile in the Web3 ecosystem, unlocking a host of features.

.eth is coming to Unstoppable.

Unstoppable is now your one stop shop for Web3 domains. Buy and manage your .eth, .nft or .x domains in one place.

Better yet? We're introducing a new feature that makes purchasing .eth domains easier and more transparent.


— unstoppable.polygon (@unstoppableweb) July 17, 2023

As Cointelegraph has previously explored, unstoppable and ENS domains together accounted for six million domain registrations at the start of 2023, with registrations increasing significantly from 2022 onwards.

Users can now purchase .eth names through Unstoppable with additional payment methods and features to streamline management of ENS domains. All .eth domains purchased from Unstoppable will be registered through the ENS smart contract and will have the same functionality as those registered directly through ENS.

Related: State of the Art: Decentralized Domain Services Reflect Industry Advancements

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