US senators propose bill to eliminate Section 230 protection for AI companies

The bipartisan bill purportedly aims to hold corporations liable for damages, but it's unclear whether Section 230 will even applies to AI.

US Senators Propose Bill to Eliminate Section 230 Protection for AI Companies News Join us on social networks

United States The senses. Josh Hawley, a Republican from Missouri, and Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, introduced a bill in the Senate on June 14 that would eliminate special protections for artificial intelligence (AI) companies that are currently afforded to service providers. online computer services under the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA).

Today @SenBlumenthal and I introduce the first bipartisan AI bill - giving consumers the power to sue when AI harms them . This is historic protection for Americans, and many more to come

— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) June 14, 2023

Section 230 refers to text found in Title 47, Section 230 of the CDA. It specifically grants protection to online service providers from liability for content posted by users. It also gives providers immunity from prosecution for illegal content, provided that good faith efforts are made to remove such content upon discovery.

Opponents of Section 230 have argued that it exempts social media platforms and other online service providers from liability for the content they host. The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled against changing Section 230 in light of a lawsuit in which the plaintiff sought to hold social media companies liable for damages suffered as a result of hosting and alleged promotion by the platform of content related to terrorism.

According to the opinion of the High Court, a social ...

US senators propose bill to eliminate Section 230 protection for AI companies

The bipartisan bill purportedly aims to hold corporations liable for damages, but it's unclear whether Section 230 will even applies to AI.

US Senators Propose Bill to Eliminate Section 230 Protection for AI Companies News Join us on social networks

United States The senses. Josh Hawley, a Republican from Missouri, and Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, introduced a bill in the Senate on June 14 that would eliminate special protections for artificial intelligence (AI) companies that are currently afforded to service providers. online computer services under the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA).

Today @SenBlumenthal and I introduce the first bipartisan AI bill - giving consumers the power to sue when AI harms them . This is historic protection for Americans, and many more to come

— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) June 14, 2023

Section 230 refers to text found in Title 47, Section 230 of the CDA. It specifically grants protection to online service providers from liability for content posted by users. It also gives providers immunity from prosecution for illegal content, provided that good faith efforts are made to remove such content upon discovery.

Opponents of Section 230 have argued that it exempts social media platforms and other online service providers from liability for the content they host. The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled against changing Section 230 in light of a lawsuit in which the plaintiff sought to hold social media companies liable for damages suffered as a result of hosting and alleged promotion by the platform of content related to terrorism.

According to the opinion of the High Court, a social ...

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