Vladimir Putin in a message to Kim Jong-Un calls for strengthening bilateral relations between Russia and North Korea: report

Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly sent a congratulatory message to Kim Jong-un on Korea's Liberation Day.

What happened: Putin, in his message to Kim, said the two countries would "expand comprehensive and constructive bilateral relations through joint efforts," the United Nations reported on Monday. Pyongyang public media.

He added that closer ties would be in the interests of both countries and would help to strengthen the security and stability of the Korean Peninsula and the North Asian region. East.

See also: UN chief promises diplomatic talks to denuclearize Kim Jong-Un's North Korea after meeting with leaders of Seoul

In response to Putin's message, Kim also sent a letter to the Russian president saying that the Russian-North Korean friendship was forged during World War II against "the 'common enemy' Japan, which had occupied the Korean peninsula.

Kim said the "strategic and tactical cooperation, support and solidarity" between the two nations has since reached a new level in their efforts to counter threats and provocations from military forces hostile.

He added that cooperation between Russia and his isolated nation would develop based on an agreement signed in 2019 during his meeting with President Putin.

Find out more Benzinga coverage in Europe and Asia innext < em class="core-block">this link.

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Vladimir Putin in a message to Kim Jong-Un calls for strengthening bilateral relations between Russia and North Korea: report

Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly sent a congratulatory message to Kim Jong-un on Korea's Liberation Day.

What happened: Putin, in his message to Kim, said the two countries would "expand comprehensive and constructive bilateral relations through joint efforts," the United Nations reported on Monday. Pyongyang public media.

He added that closer ties would be in the interests of both countries and would help to strengthen the security and stability of the Korean Peninsula and the North Asian region. East.

See also: UN chief promises diplomatic talks to denuclearize Kim Jong-Un's North Korea after meeting with leaders of Seoul

In response to Putin's message, Kim also sent a letter to the Russian president saying that the Russian-North Korean friendship was forged during World War II against "the 'common enemy' Japan, which had occupied the Korean peninsula.

Kim said the "strategic and tactical cooperation, support and solidarity" between the two nations has since reached a new level in their efforts to counter threats and provocations from military forces hostile.

He added that cooperation between Russia and his isolated nation would develop based on an agreement signed in 2019 during his meeting with President Putin.

Find out more Benzinga coverage in Europe and Asia innext < em class="core-block">this link.

Ad Disclosure: Rate information is obtained by Bankrate from listed institutions. Bankrate cannot guarantee the accuracy or availability of the rates shown above. Institutions may have different rates on their own websites than those displayed on Bankrate.com. The listings that appear on this page are from companies that this website receives compensation from, which may impact how, where and in which order products appear. This table does not include all companies or products available.

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