Vladimir Putin launches bombers carrying nuclear missiles in a terrifying threat to the West

The Tu-95 fleet is a vital part of Russia's nuclear arsenal, but the planes have also been used to launch destructive non-atomic missiles, causing destruction. large-scale damage destruction in Ukraine

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Russia flies missile carriers over neutral waters in the Sea of ​​Japan

Vladimir Putin launched his Tu-95MS nuclear missile carriers in the first known patrol since his strategic fleet was hit by a Ukrainian drone attack nine days ago.

Two of the noisy bears flew over the Sea of ​​Japan, which is seven time zones east of last week's humiliating strike.

A video reveals the Tu-95s, the world's only propeller-driven strategic bombers, which were alongside the Su-30SM and Su-35S escorts.

The Ministry of Defense in Moscow said: "All flights of aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces are carried out in strict compliance with international rules for the use of airspace."

The Tu-95 fleet is a vital part of Russia's nuclear arsenal, but the aircraft have also been used to launch destructive non-atomic missiles, causing widespread destruction in Ukraine.

Russia sends two Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers over the Sea of ​​Japan in the first known patrol since the Kremlin's nuclear bomber fleet was damaged by an attack by Ukrainian drone in Engels, Rostov region Tu-95MS strategic missile carrier
Russia sends two Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers over the Sea of ​​Japan (


Ministry of Defense / east2west news)

According to reports, two members of the Engels-2 air base fleet were damaged in a Ukrainian drone strike hundreds of kilometers inside the border on December 5.

Two soldiers were injured.

Videos revealed a huge flash on the Saratov region high-security air base used by Putin's strategic fleet.

The explosion, which took place hundreds of kilometers east of the combat zone in Ukraine, was recorded at 6:00 a.m. local time.

Vladimir Putin launches bombers carrying nuclear missiles in a terrifying threat to the West

The Tu-95 fleet is a vital part of Russia's nuclear arsenal, but the planes have also been used to launch destructive non-atomic missiles, causing destruction. large-scale damage destruction in Ukraine

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Russia flies missile carriers over neutral waters in the Sea of ​​Japan

Vladimir Putin launched his Tu-95MS nuclear missile carriers in the first known patrol since his strategic fleet was hit by a Ukrainian drone attack nine days ago.

Two of the noisy bears flew over the Sea of ​​Japan, which is seven time zones east of last week's humiliating strike.

A video reveals the Tu-95s, the world's only propeller-driven strategic bombers, which were alongside the Su-30SM and Su-35S escorts.

The Ministry of Defense in Moscow said: "All flights of aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces are carried out in strict compliance with international rules for the use of airspace."

The Tu-95 fleet is a vital part of Russia's nuclear arsenal, but the aircraft have also been used to launch destructive non-atomic missiles, causing widespread destruction in Ukraine.

Russia sends two Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers over the Sea of ​​Japan in the first known patrol since the Kremlin's nuclear bomber fleet was damaged by an attack by Ukrainian drone in Engels, Rostov region Tu-95MS strategic missile carrier
Russia sends two Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers over the Sea of ​​Japan (


Ministry of Defense / east2west news)

According to reports, two members of the Engels-2 air base fleet were damaged in a Ukrainian drone strike hundreds of kilometers inside the border on December 5.

Two soldiers were injured.

Videos revealed a huge flash on the Saratov region high-security air base used by Putin's strategic fleet.

The explosion, which took place hundreds of kilometers east of the combat zone in Ukraine, was recorded at 6:00 a.m. local time.

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