Voices: Is the BBC TV license good value for money? Join the independent debate

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Anyone who streams or watches live programs in Britain must pay an annual TV license. But a debate has raged for some time over whether this fee represents good value for money. longer.

For the past two years, the BBC's TV license has been frozen at £159, with an agreement that it would increase in line with inflation from April and in the next three years.

p>But on Monday morning, Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer effectively confirmed that the company will face a rise below inflation, while Rishi Sunak wants block the increase in annual fees.

An increase in annual fees. the inflation-adjusted fee would be around £15, bringing the tax to £173.30. However, Ms Frazer said she feared this would be "high" as the cost of living crisis continues.

Her comments came after the Prime Minister told reporters that the BBC “should be realistic about what it can expect people to pay at a time like this. »

The license fee covers BBC services including TV, radio, the BBC website, podcasts, iPlayer and apps. Its existence is guaranteed until at least the end of 2027 by the BBC's royal charter, which defines its financing and its objective.

With the debate around the TV license brought back to the forefront, we want to know if Do you think the fees represent good value for money at £159 per year? Is a rise in line with inflation something you would be willing to pay to keep the BBC producing?

Or would you like to see the TV license scrapped altogether? Would you be happy to see adverts on the broadcaster's TV and radio channels if it meant the fee was removed?

If you'd like to share your opinion, add it in the comments and we'll put highlighted the most insightful. these as they come in.

All you have to do is sign up and save your details - then you can join the discussion. You can also register by clicking "Login" in the upper right corner of the screen.

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Voices: Is the BBC TV license good value for money? Join the independent debate
IndyEatReceive the free Morning Headlines email for news from our journalists around the world. Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Please enter a valid email address Please enter a valid email address I would like to be notified by email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }}

Anyone who streams or watches live programs in Britain must pay an annual TV license. But a debate has raged for some time over whether this fee represents good value for money. longer.

For the past two years, the BBC's TV license has been frozen at £159, with an agreement that it would increase in line with inflation from April and in the next three years.

p>But on Monday morning, Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer effectively confirmed that the company will face a rise below inflation, while Rishi Sunak wants block the increase in annual fees.

An increase in annual fees. the inflation-adjusted fee would be around £15, bringing the tax to £173.30. However, Ms Frazer said she feared this would be "high" as the cost of living crisis continues.

Her comments came after the Prime Minister told reporters that the BBC “should be realistic about what it can expect people to pay at a time like this. »

The license fee covers BBC services including TV, radio, the BBC website, podcasts, iPlayer and apps. Its existence is guaranteed until at least the end of 2027 by the BBC's royal charter, which defines its financing and its objective.

With the debate around the TV license brought back to the forefront, we want to know if Do you think the fees represent good value for money at £159 per year? Is a rise in line with inflation something you would be willing to pay to keep the BBC producing?

Or would you like to see the TV license scrapped altogether? Would you be happy to see adverts on the broadcaster's TV and radio channels if it meant the fee was removed?

If you'd like to share your opinion, add it in the comments and we'll put highlighted the most insightful. these as they come in.

All you have to do is sign up and save your details - then you can join the discussion. You can also register by clicking "Login" in the upper right corner of the screen.

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