Want to succeed as a marketer? 10 habits you'll want to develop

Marketing is an ever-changing practice, with new channels, trends, and platforms popping up every day. In an ever-changing industry, marketers themselves must also evolve to keep up with the latest consumer interests and behaviors and better position their products or services as necessary solutions to customer problems.

As such, it can be helpful for marketers, whether new or experienced, to develop a few habits that will help them keep their skills and knowledge up to date and their methods effective. If you are a marketer looking to improve your daily skills or habits, consider implementing one or more of the following habits recommended by business leaders from the Young Entrepreneur Council and give yourself an edge over others in your career.

1. Quantification of results

All marketers worth their salt should adopt a non-negotiable habit: quantifying results. It's time to move from simple "exposure" to real, measurable results: leads, conversions, and ultimately, business growth. Liability is not an option; it is a necessity. This helps identify what works and what doesn't. Decisions based on emotion? No thanks. Lean on the data, objective judge of your efforts. I've seen big budgets wasted on star-studded campaigns with no concrete returns. Embrace data-driven decision making. Track, measure and hack regularly. It is the manual of success. Data-fueled consistency overshadows sporadic bursts of “inspiration” every time. Now go ahead and start quantifying your marketing efforts today. -Michael Hsu, DeepSky

2. Test and optimize

Test, test, test! All marketers should get into the habit of testing and optimizing. Marketing is constantly evolving and it is crucial to experiment with marketing initiatives. Whether it's conducting user research, conducting A/B split testing, or implementing customer feedback mechanisms, optimizing methods over time can improve performance. It can also increase profitability and improve user experience. Plus, it gives a marketer an edge over their competitors, which is something we all want. - Bryce Welker, Crush The EA Exam

3. Embrace storytelling

When it comes to succeeding in marketing, there's one habit all marketers should develop: embrace the art of storytelling. Storytelling is a powerful tool that can captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact. Humans are naturally drawn to stories. They engage our emotions and grab our attention in ways that simple facts and figures simply cannot. By incorporating storytelling into your marketing efforts, you can create a connection with your audience and make your brand more relevant. Storytelling goes beyond simply promoting your product or service; it allows you to communicate your brand values, purpose and mission. By creating a narrative around your brand, you can differentiate yourself from your competition and build customer trust and loyalty. - A...

Want to succeed as a marketer? 10 habits you'll want to develop

Marketing is an ever-changing practice, with new channels, trends, and platforms popping up every day. In an ever-changing industry, marketers themselves must also evolve to keep up with the latest consumer interests and behaviors and better position their products or services as necessary solutions to customer problems.

As such, it can be helpful for marketers, whether new or experienced, to develop a few habits that will help them keep their skills and knowledge up to date and their methods effective. If you are a marketer looking to improve your daily skills or habits, consider implementing one or more of the following habits recommended by business leaders from the Young Entrepreneur Council and give yourself an edge over others in your career.

1. Quantification of results

All marketers worth their salt should adopt a non-negotiable habit: quantifying results. It's time to move from simple "exposure" to real, measurable results: leads, conversions, and ultimately, business growth. Liability is not an option; it is a necessity. This helps identify what works and what doesn't. Decisions based on emotion? No thanks. Lean on the data, objective judge of your efforts. I've seen big budgets wasted on star-studded campaigns with no concrete returns. Embrace data-driven decision making. Track, measure and hack regularly. It is the manual of success. Data-fueled consistency overshadows sporadic bursts of “inspiration” every time. Now go ahead and start quantifying your marketing efforts today. -Michael Hsu, DeepSky

2. Test and optimize

Test, test, test! All marketers should get into the habit of testing and optimizing. Marketing is constantly evolving and it is crucial to experiment with marketing initiatives. Whether it's conducting user research, conducting A/B split testing, or implementing customer feedback mechanisms, optimizing methods over time can improve performance. It can also increase profitability and improve user experience. Plus, it gives a marketer an edge over their competitors, which is something we all want. - Bryce Welker, Crush The EA Exam

3. Embrace storytelling

When it comes to succeeding in marketing, there's one habit all marketers should develop: embrace the art of storytelling. Storytelling is a powerful tool that can captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact. Humans are naturally drawn to stories. They engage our emotions and grab our attention in ways that simple facts and figures simply cannot. By incorporating storytelling into your marketing efforts, you can create a connection with your audience and make your brand more relevant. Storytelling goes beyond simply promoting your product or service; it allows you to communicate your brand values, purpose and mission. By creating a narrative around your brand, you can differentiate yourself from your competition and build customer trust and loyalty. - A...

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