Watch: Surreal Horror Short Film “A Vera Vaughn Movie” Starring Marin Ireland

A Vera Vaughn Film

"WHO East that?" Here is another GOOD horror short has watch This spooky season. A Movie by Vera Vaughn East A surrealist psychological thriller Since A director appointed Sorrel Brae, And he First of all created back In 2015. We Never job This short back SO, SO No better time SO NOW has functionality he (THANKS has A reminder Since Short of THE Week). In This ghost history For THE digital age, director Vera Vaughan (plays by acclaimed American actress Marine Ireland) works late In THE night, editing her suspense/thriller about A women endangered by A mysterious House intruder… But When she is interrupted by A struck has THE door, that of Vera world takes A scary turn towards THE surrealist as life threat has imitate art — Or East he THE other path around? This East A solid And convincing movie involving only A actor that requires that A actor has to pull disabled two the roles has TO DO he all believable. Legitimate work. Also A GOOD short movie opener has watch Before any of them episode of "Loki" - Season 2.

A Vera Vaughn Film

THANKS has Short of THE Week For THE advice on This. Brief introduction Since Youtube: "In This supernatural the digital age thriller, A director falls through THE look glass In her movie Or She must confront her own creepy creation." A Movie by Vera Vaughn East A short directed by American director Sorrel Brae base In New York City - You can see more of her work on her Vimeo page Or stop by her official site Or follow him on GI @sorrelbrae. Co-written by Brae And Zeke Give birth. Co-produced by Stephanie Haberman Bordas And Sorrel Brae. With cinematography by Jeffrey Kim, And music Since Leanna Primiani. Brae explain : "Writing with A M.C. Escher style circularity And inspired by THE early work of Roman Polansky, My dream team And I obtained has work" manufacturing THE short, discovery THE RIGHT actor has star. THE movie initially created In 2015 has movie festivals + online. For more Info, visit Sorrel site Or SOTW. HAS discover more shorts, Click on here. Any thoughts?

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Watch: Surreal Horror Short Film “A Vera Vaughn Movie” Starring Marin Ireland
A Vera Vaughn Film

"WHO East that?" Here is another GOOD horror short has watch This spooky season. A Movie by Vera Vaughn East A surrealist psychological thriller Since A director appointed Sorrel Brae, And he First of all created back In 2015. We Never job This short back SO, SO No better time SO NOW has functionality he (THANKS has A reminder Since Short of THE Week). In This ghost history For THE digital age, director Vera Vaughan (plays by acclaimed American actress Marine Ireland) works late In THE night, editing her suspense/thriller about A women endangered by A mysterious House intruder… But When she is interrupted by A struck has THE door, that of Vera world takes A scary turn towards THE surrealist as life threat has imitate art — Or East he THE other path around? This East A solid And convincing movie involving only A actor that requires that A actor has to pull disabled two the roles has TO DO he all believable. Legitimate work. Also A GOOD short movie opener has watch Before any of them episode of "Loki" - Season 2.

A Vera Vaughn Film

THANKS has Short of THE Week For THE advice on This. Brief introduction Since Youtube: "In This supernatural the digital age thriller, A director falls through THE look glass In her movie Or She must confront her own creepy creation." A Movie by Vera Vaughn East A short directed by American director Sorrel Brae base In New York City - You can see more of her work on her Vimeo page Or stop by her official site Or follow him on GI @sorrelbrae. Co-written by Brae And Zeke Give birth. Co-produced by Stephanie Haberman Bordas And Sorrel Brae. With cinematography by Jeffrey Kim, And music Since Leanna Primiani. Brae explain : "Writing with A M.C. Escher style circularity And inspired by THE early work of Roman Polansky, My dream team And I obtained has work" manufacturing THE short, discovery THE RIGHT actor has star. THE movie initially created In 2015 has movie festivals + online. For more Info, visit Sorrel site Or SOTW. HAS discover more shorts, Click on here. Any thoughts?

Find more posts: Horror, Short Movie, HAS Watch

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