What Selena Gomez's Working Girl reboot needs to do to be relevant here and now

Of course, it was feminist at the time. There's a very powerful boss, a young upstart who's smart enough to pull off a scheme like this, and, of course, she got the job and the guy. For many women, it was empowering to see what they had experienced in terms of harassment or lowered expectations at work on the big screen. However, feminism has changed a lot since 1988, and a movie reboot would have to make some changes to really work today.

Let's start by mentioning how very white this film is. Make all the arguments you want that this title is a product of its time, but this type of casting isn't going to fly now, and neither should it. Career struggles for women and other genders and people of color definitely need to be addressed here.

We also need to adopt what was acceptable (if rude) behavior then compared to now. For example, it was much more common to ask someone who worked as a secretary to do personal chores like dry cleaning or, as seen in the film, house sitting. Katharine did what a lot of male bosses did at the time, which was to look at a woman who worked in a lower position in the company and assume it was okay to ask her to do menial tasks. If the secretary was a man, that would have been unlikely. It wasn't good back then either, but people got away with that tired old argument about being "a product of the times".

What Selena Gomez's Working Girl reboot needs to do to be relevant here and now

Of course, it was feminist at the time. There's a very powerful boss, a young upstart who's smart enough to pull off a scheme like this, and, of course, she got the job and the guy. For many women, it was empowering to see what they had experienced in terms of harassment or lowered expectations at work on the big screen. However, feminism has changed a lot since 1988, and a movie reboot would have to make some changes to really work today.

Let's start by mentioning how very white this film is. Make all the arguments you want that this title is a product of its time, but this type of casting isn't going to fly now, and neither should it. Career struggles for women and other genders and people of color definitely need to be addressed here.

We also need to adopt what was acceptable (if rude) behavior then compared to now. For example, it was much more common to ask someone who worked as a secretary to do personal chores like dry cleaning or, as seen in the film, house sitting. Katharine did what a lot of male bosses did at the time, which was to look at a woman who worked in a lower position in the company and assume it was okay to ask her to do menial tasks. If the secretary was a man, that would have been unlikely. It wasn't good back then either, but people got away with that tired old argument about being "a product of the times".

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