Why Amazon Product Reviews and Ratings Matter for Growth

The world is increasingly turning to online shopping and has chosen Amazon as its standard bearer. The site's focus on customer satisfaction has helped it create the kind of trust that attracts millions of visitors. Third-party sellers have been instrumental in building this trust by helping customers through the sales funnel.

However, another element of this ecosystem that neither party contributes to, but which matters as much as the others, is Amazon product ratings and reviews.

There is no better distributor of your products than the customers who have already purchased them. Proof of this comes from Amazon itself, which has found that 77% of customers looking to purchase a product will go through reviews and ratings before completing the transaction. This is why Amazon has provided a robust customer feedback mechanism. Sellers can use it to improve their listing and online store reviews and ratings.

Here are a few more reasons why product reviews for Amazon are key to the success of your online store:

Your products will rank well in search results

Online shoppers have high transactional intent. Most of them want the desired item to be found, purchased and delivered as quickly as possible. So they search for that product using certain keywords, like product name, type, brand, etc.

On the resulting search results page, the first listings are more likely to get that sale. So you need to make sure they see your product in addition to these results.

Customer reviews/ratings play a role in how your ads rank. According to many Amazon experts, the A9 search algorithm also considers customer reviews as criteria while deciding to rank products in the respective search results. The more positive reviews and ratings, the higher the ranking. And the more likely you are to convert.

Amazon Product Review provides word of mouth marketing

Word of mouth has always been a staple of marketing. This is because people are likely to trust a person who has used this product rather than a representative of the company selling it. Amazon's customer reviews and ratings section does just that on a much larger scale. It allows potential customers of a product to learn about the experience it provides through others who are currently using it or have used it in the past.

Thus, even if this potential buyer does not know anyone in his entourage who has bought and used this product, he is not deprived of the opportunity to learn more about it from a third party. This means you'll likely win a new customer instead of a rebound.

They can help improve your products

Market research is key to creating products that customers want to buy. But this research does not stop at the early stages of product development. The feedback customers give after using the finished product is crucial to improving it. Manufacturers cannot foresee all the problems that may arise while using a product because they don't have the time to test the product that long. Thus, they rely on customers to provide this information.

If you're a vendor on Amazon, these reviews give you direct insight into your products and development cycle. If you are a seller, you can learn more about the product and improve your description writing, while passing this information to the OEM.

They enhance your product line

On the heels of improving your products themselves, Amazon customer reviews also help improve your product line. You are likely to make more sales if your product listings match what the majority of your target audience is looking for. You can find information about what your customers want in the reviews section for a given time period, allowing you to maximize current trends. It also allows you to predict possible upcoming trends, which you can use to prepare and modify your product line accordingly.

You get information about your competitors

Competitor research is a proven way to improve your overall business process. You can learn what works for them and what doesn't, helping you keep up with them or even surpass them. There are many sources that

Why Amazon Product Reviews and Ratings Matter for Growth

The world is increasingly turning to online shopping and has chosen Amazon as its standard bearer. The site's focus on customer satisfaction has helped it create the kind of trust that attracts millions of visitors. Third-party sellers have been instrumental in building this trust by helping customers through the sales funnel.

However, another element of this ecosystem that neither party contributes to, but which matters as much as the others, is Amazon product ratings and reviews.

There is no better distributor of your products than the customers who have already purchased them. Proof of this comes from Amazon itself, which has found that 77% of customers looking to purchase a product will go through reviews and ratings before completing the transaction. This is why Amazon has provided a robust customer feedback mechanism. Sellers can use it to improve their listing and online store reviews and ratings.

Here are a few more reasons why product reviews for Amazon are key to the success of your online store:

Your products will rank well in search results

Online shoppers have high transactional intent. Most of them want the desired item to be found, purchased and delivered as quickly as possible. So they search for that product using certain keywords, like product name, type, brand, etc.

On the resulting search results page, the first listings are more likely to get that sale. So you need to make sure they see your product in addition to these results.

Customer reviews/ratings play a role in how your ads rank. According to many Amazon experts, the A9 search algorithm also considers customer reviews as criteria while deciding to rank products in the respective search results. The more positive reviews and ratings, the higher the ranking. And the more likely you are to convert.

Amazon Product Review provides word of mouth marketing

Word of mouth has always been a staple of marketing. This is because people are likely to trust a person who has used this product rather than a representative of the company selling it. Amazon's customer reviews and ratings section does just that on a much larger scale. It allows potential customers of a product to learn about the experience it provides through others who are currently using it or have used it in the past.

Thus, even if this potential buyer does not know anyone in his entourage who has bought and used this product, he is not deprived of the opportunity to learn more about it from a third party. This means you'll likely win a new customer instead of a rebound.

They can help improve your products

Market research is key to creating products that customers want to buy. But this research does not stop at the early stages of product development. The feedback customers give after using the finished product is crucial to improving it. Manufacturers cannot foresee all the problems that may arise while using a product because they don't have the time to test the product that long. Thus, they rely on customers to provide this information.

If you're a vendor on Amazon, these reviews give you direct insight into your products and development cycle. If you are a seller, you can learn more about the product and improve your description writing, while passing this information to the OEM.

They enhance your product line

On the heels of improving your products themselves, Amazon customer reviews also help improve your product line. You are likely to make more sales if your product listings match what the majority of your target audience is looking for. You can find information about what your customers want in the reviews section for a given time period, allowing you to maximize current trends. It also allows you to predict possible upcoming trends, which you can use to prepare and modify your product line accordingly.

You get information about your competitors

Competitor research is a proven way to improve your overall business process. You can learn what works for them and what doesn't, helping you keep up with them or even surpass them. There are many sources that

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