Why do we need community?

Isolate has always has been A temptation For Me. Even In My faith, I have tent has follow Jesus with minimal addiction on others while avoid sharing My struggles And fears. But life THE Christian life In isolation doesn't work For long.

What East Community?

Community can be defined as "A feeling of camaraderie with others, as A result of sharing common attitudes, interests, And goals." For The Christians, It is sharing OUR sorrows And joys while life authentically by allowing others has see OUR weaknesses And OUR strengths. It is to confess to OUR sins has A another And pray For each other. Christian community implied while searching God And love Him together.

Community East A Reflection of God

GOOD Never be able has fully to understand God, but We know He East "three In A," called THE Trinity. When create man, "God said, 'To leave We TO DO humanity In OUR picture, In OUR resemblance’… So God created humanity In her own picture" (Genesis 1:26-27 NIV). God THE Father, Jesus Christ THE Son, And THE Holy Spirit work together In creation.

THE Father, Son, And Holy Spirit to have always has been In community, United as A. When Jesus was on Earth, He cry out In pray For We: "My pray East not For them alone. I pray Also For those WHO will believe In Me through their message, that all of them can be A, Father, just as You are In Me And I am In You. Can they Also be In We" (John 5:20-21 NIV). God wanna We has experience THE joy of harmony as He done.

Paul, A New Will missionary, wrote "Can THE Grace of THE Lord Jesus Christ, And THE love of God, And THE camaraderie of THE Holy Spirit be with You all" (2 Corinthians 1:14 p.m. NIV). These three always function as A. They are A picture of THE unit God desires For all believers.

Jesus Christ Modeled Community

Jesus came has Earth has live Perfectly, die as A sacrifice For all fishing, And SO increase Again, conquest the death forever. He was THE only A WHO could to safeguard We: He had has TO DO that alone. But He exercised In community. A lot follow up Him, but He called twelve special disciples has be Her apostles. They were continually together as He taught them And prepared them For ministry After Her back has heaven.

Jesus said Her disciples, "A new order I give You: Love A another. As I to have love You, SO You must love A another. By This everyone will know that You are My disciples, if You love A another" (John 1:34-35 p.m. NIV). He gave This order several times.

When THE disciples were not with Jesus, He sent them out In pairs has minister has people: "Call THE Twelve has Him, He began has send them out two by two…" (Brand 6:7a NIV). God do to use We as people, And Sometimes We serve alone, but He for that We minister In community.

Community Provides A Place For Sharing Burdens And Discovery Healing

King Solomon of Old Will times judiciously wrote, "Pity anybody WHO falls And has No A has help them up" (Ecclesiastes 4:10b NIV). Everyone faces times of tests, pain, And grief. Having has go through those times alone can amplify THE pain And leave We feeling desperate.

We need others has take We up, socket OUR hands, Or sit calmly with We In OUR pain. In THE Christian community, It is powerful has see people encircling someone WHO has experimented loss Or disease. When someone East there has help We to carry OUR burdens, THE weight East survey Since OUR shoulders. HAS those times, We can rest awareness were not alone.

I remember A time When A Dear friend was In A blast In her garage. After press has THE emergency bedroom has check on her, I discovered has less A dozen people Since OUR church there. We surrounded on THE lawn has pray as A helicopter took her has A bigger city For care. That East community.

When w...

Why do we need community?

Isolate has always has been A temptation For Me. Even In My faith, I have tent has follow Jesus with minimal addiction on others while avoid sharing My struggles And fears. But life THE Christian life In isolation doesn't work For long.

What East Community?

Community can be defined as "A feeling of camaraderie with others, as A result of sharing common attitudes, interests, And goals." For The Christians, It is sharing OUR sorrows And joys while life authentically by allowing others has see OUR weaknesses And OUR strengths. It is to confess to OUR sins has A another And pray For each other. Christian community implied while searching God And love Him together.

Community East A Reflection of God

GOOD Never be able has fully to understand God, but We know He East "three In A," called THE Trinity. When create man, "God said, 'To leave We TO DO humanity In OUR picture, In OUR resemblance’… So God created humanity In her own picture" (Genesis 1:26-27 NIV). God THE Father, Jesus Christ THE Son, And THE Holy Spirit work together In creation.

THE Father, Son, And Holy Spirit to have always has been In community, United as A. When Jesus was on Earth, He cry out In pray For We: "My pray East not For them alone. I pray Also For those WHO will believe In Me through their message, that all of them can be A, Father, just as You are In Me And I am In You. Can they Also be In We" (John 5:20-21 NIV). God wanna We has experience THE joy of harmony as He done.

Paul, A New Will missionary, wrote "Can THE Grace of THE Lord Jesus Christ, And THE love of God, And THE camaraderie of THE Holy Spirit be with You all" (2 Corinthians 1:14 p.m. NIV). These three always function as A. They are A picture of THE unit God desires For all believers.

Jesus Christ Modeled Community

Jesus came has Earth has live Perfectly, die as A sacrifice For all fishing, And SO increase Again, conquest the death forever. He was THE only A WHO could to safeguard We: He had has TO DO that alone. But He exercised In community. A lot follow up Him, but He called twelve special disciples has be Her apostles. They were continually together as He taught them And prepared them For ministry After Her back has heaven.

Jesus said Her disciples, "A new order I give You: Love A another. As I to have love You, SO You must love A another. By This everyone will know that You are My disciples, if You love A another" (John 1:34-35 p.m. NIV). He gave This order several times.

When THE disciples were not with Jesus, He sent them out In pairs has minister has people: "Call THE Twelve has Him, He began has send them out two by two…" (Brand 6:7a NIV). God do to use We as people, And Sometimes We serve alone, but He for that We minister In community.

Community Provides A Place For Sharing Burdens And Discovery Healing

King Solomon of Old Will times judiciously wrote, "Pity anybody WHO falls And has No A has help them up" (Ecclesiastes 4:10b NIV). Everyone faces times of tests, pain, And grief. Having has go through those times alone can amplify THE pain And leave We feeling desperate.

We need others has take We up, socket OUR hands, Or sit calmly with We In OUR pain. In THE Christian community, It is powerful has see people encircling someone WHO has experimented loss Or disease. When someone East there has help We to carry OUR burdens, THE weight East survey Since OUR shoulders. HAS those times, We can rest awareness were not alone.

I remember A time When A Dear friend was In A blast In her garage. After press has THE emergency bedroom has check on her, I discovered has less A dozen people Since OUR church there. We surrounded on THE lawn has pray as A helicopter took her has A bigger city For care. That East community.

When w...

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