Yulin Kuang on writing her first novel, Loving New Jersey and adapting Emily Henry

I always knew he was go be about A scriptwriter And A novelist WHO had known each other In high school, And THE archetypes of WHO they were In high school. I doesn't to want has TO DO any of them research because I was busy has THE time, SO he was just going has be about adaptation.

But look back, I was expenses SO a lot time while reading Emilie [Henry] books And thought about What resonated with Me In them, And I was as, What sharing injuries TO DO Emilie And I have you? THE things that I resonate with In her work are THE manners grief And friendship, And all of these things that are not necessarily THE hot, happy rooms. SO I kind of research has look has What kind of sharing hurt I could give This novelist And THE scriptwriter, Or they are both future has THE even hurt Since different angles.

New Jersey East A huge character In THE book. Say Me more about that you grown up up there, isn't it?

Partially, I did, Yes. I was born In China, When I was three We moved has Wichita, Kansas, And When I was eight We moved has New Jersey, And SO We kind of jumped up around different suburb of New Jersey, I think because My parents were trying has send Me has THE best public school For each grade. SO I moved A plot. I feel as people should romanticize New Jersey A little little more.

What about New Jersey felt RIGHT as A setting For This novel?

I knew I research he has be as A East Side, West Side kind of culture shock. I Above all identify as be initially Since THE East Side, And I think that When I First of all came out has THERE, there was A kind of A culture shock For Me. I remember going has A interview In A complete J Crew suit that I had spent money on, because he was A important interview For Me, but he was SO not THE atmosphere! And SO I research has to use that geography has separated them A little little more.

What TO DO You think THE two characters see In each other?

To agree obliged Helene because he East What She East not able of. He East able has move easily In THE world. I always look has people that are just savagely charismatic Golden collectors. I mean, Emilie Henry would be be A great example, RIGHT? I look has how easy he East has autumn In love with Emilie Henry, And I am as, Oh, My God, What East that? SO I feel as THE convincing part of To agree East how a lot he has that. But SO Also, has her heart, he is kind of A sad boy, And I always feel as every time people to have A second layer has them, And they reveal that vulnerability has You, It is always very deeply convincing. And I think he is just very GOOD has her job, And skill East always sexy, RIGHT? For To agree, Helene East someone WHO knows What She wanna, And East very GOOD has get he. And SO It is very flattering When someone as that wanna you.

Yulin Kuang on writing her first novel, Loving New Jersey and adapting Emily Henry

I always knew he was go be about A scriptwriter And A novelist WHO had known each other In high school, And THE archetypes of WHO they were In high school. I doesn't to want has TO DO any of them research because I was busy has THE time, SO he was just going has be about adaptation.

But look back, I was expenses SO a lot time while reading Emilie [Henry] books And thought about What resonated with Me In them, And I was as, What sharing injuries TO DO Emilie And I have you? THE things that I resonate with In her work are THE manners grief And friendship, And all of these things that are not necessarily THE hot, happy rooms. SO I kind of research has look has What kind of sharing hurt I could give This novelist And THE scriptwriter, Or they are both future has THE even hurt Since different angles.

New Jersey East A huge character In THE book. Say Me more about that you grown up up there, isn't it?

Partially, I did, Yes. I was born In China, When I was three We moved has Wichita, Kansas, And When I was eight We moved has New Jersey, And SO We kind of jumped up around different suburb of New Jersey, I think because My parents were trying has send Me has THE best public school For each grade. SO I moved A plot. I feel as people should romanticize New Jersey A little little more.

What about New Jersey felt RIGHT as A setting For This novel?

I knew I research he has be as A East Side, West Side kind of culture shock. I Above all identify as be initially Since THE East Side, And I think that When I First of all came out has THERE, there was A kind of A culture shock For Me. I remember going has A interview In A complete J Crew suit that I had spent money on, because he was A important interview For Me, but he was SO not THE atmosphere! And SO I research has to use that geography has separated them A little little more.

What TO DO You think THE two characters see In each other?

To agree obliged Helene because he East What She East not able of. He East able has move easily In THE world. I always look has people that are just savagely charismatic Golden collectors. I mean, Emilie Henry would be be A great example, RIGHT? I look has how easy he East has autumn In love with Emilie Henry, And I am as, Oh, My God, What East that? SO I feel as THE convincing part of To agree East how a lot he has that. But SO Also, has her heart, he is kind of A sad boy, And I always feel as every time people to have A second layer has them, And they reveal that vulnerability has You, It is always very deeply convincing. And I think he is just very GOOD has her job, And skill East always sexy, RIGHT? For To agree, Helene East someone WHO knows What She wanna, And East very GOOD has get he. And SO It is very flattering When someone as that wanna you.

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