12 Secret Signs of Envy: How to Tell If Someone Envy You

Much has been written about dealing with feelings of envy and how to overcome this painful emotion.

However, not much has been written about how to tell if someone is envious of you.

Envy is everywhere and dealing with the detrimental, sometimes catastrophic, actions of people who envy you is no picnic.

We may not consciously recognize it, but envy is a universally dreaded emotion, and it has the potential to decimate individuals as well as societies.

(Think of large-scale political motivations that are only fueled by envy).

I don't mean to make this a political play, but just as an example of political movements fueled by envy, you can consider political parties appealing to the envious of a populace by promising to tax the rich and the poor more. less poor (or not taxing them at all).

Signs of

Table of Contents

Is it easy to tell when you're the target of envy?

Although it is a universally feared emotion, many people don't even realize they are the target of an attack of envy, and this could be one of the reasons why says and writes less about how to deal with people who envy you.

Interestingly, a study found that when faced with the envy of others, we humans universally adopt a first reaction: concealment.

And when hiding your enviable advantages doesn't work, we go to denial.

That is, to deny that we have anything worth envying.

I believe this denial makes us naive and causes us to close ourselves off from people's true intentions.

Hypothetical example:

You have a friend named Jenny who keeps casually mentioning your flaws, but you tell yourself she doesn't really feel envious, she's just a really "honest" person.

Yes, it is.

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Denying envious feelings comes back to you

It would be hard to find a single human on this earth who didn't feel envy.

However, envy is such a strong and heavy emotion that it is mostly hidden (even from ourselves) and described in words other than envy.

Most people feel much more comfortable describing themselves as jealous rather than envious, even though most of the time what they really mean is that they feel envious.

Also, some people are extremely prone to envy.

These people are so secretly absorbed in emotion that much of their actions are silently fueled by it, and they spend their lives trying to avoid dealing with it.

But of course, what we resist, persists.

People prone to envy tend to compensate for being haunted by this crippling emotion by making others pay for their envy and painting themselves to look like the good guy.

Think of narcissists for example.

SECRETS REVEALED… Find out how you too can use this little-known “dark feminine art” to weed out toxic men while cultivating genuine emotional attraction with high-value men. (CLICK HERE to register for this free course before it's over.)

Envy is not jealousy

The first thing to remember when it comes to knowing if someone is envious of you is that envy is such a heavy emotion that many people don't like...

12 Secret Signs of Envy: How to Tell If Someone Envy You

Much has been written about dealing with feelings of envy and how to overcome this painful emotion.

However, not much has been written about how to tell if someone is envious of you.

Envy is everywhere and dealing with the detrimental, sometimes catastrophic, actions of people who envy you is no picnic.

We may not consciously recognize it, but envy is a universally dreaded emotion, and it has the potential to decimate individuals as well as societies.

(Think of large-scale political motivations that are only fueled by envy).

I don't mean to make this a political play, but just as an example of political movements fueled by envy, you can consider political parties appealing to the envious of a populace by promising to tax the rich and the poor more. less poor (or not taxing them at all).

Signs of

Table of Contents

Is it easy to tell when you're the target of envy?

Although it is a universally feared emotion, many people don't even realize they are the target of an attack of envy, and this could be one of the reasons why says and writes less about how to deal with people who envy you.

Interestingly, a study found that when faced with the envy of others, we humans universally adopt a first reaction: concealment.

And when hiding your enviable advantages doesn't work, we go to denial.

That is, to deny that we have anything worth envying.

I believe this denial makes us naive and causes us to close ourselves off from people's true intentions.

Hypothetical example:

You have a friend named Jenny who keeps casually mentioning your flaws, but you tell yourself she doesn't really feel envious, she's just a really "honest" person.

Yes, it is.

QUIZZ TIME: Are you truly living in your feminine energy? CLICK HERE to find out with my specially designed 9 question quiz!

Denying envious feelings comes back to you

It would be hard to find a single human on this earth who didn't feel envy.

However, envy is such a strong and heavy emotion that it is mostly hidden (even from ourselves) and described in words other than envy.

Most people feel much more comfortable describing themselves as jealous rather than envious, even though most of the time what they really mean is that they feel envious.

Also, some people are extremely prone to envy.

These people are so secretly absorbed in emotion that much of their actions are silently fueled by it, and they spend their lives trying to avoid dealing with it.

But of course, what we resist, persists.

People prone to envy tend to compensate for being haunted by this crippling emotion by making others pay for their envy and painting themselves to look like the good guy.

Think of narcissists for example.

SECRETS REVEALED… Find out how you too can use this little-known “dark feminine art” to weed out toxic men while cultivating genuine emotional attraction with high-value men. (CLICK HERE to register for this free course before it's over.)

Envy is not jealousy

The first thing to remember when it comes to knowing if someone is envious of you is that envy is such a heavy emotion that many people don't like...

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