6 secrets for a happy marriage

Have you noticed how our culture is not good at sharing the beautiful beginnings of a marriage? In fact, virtually every show or fairy tale that has been portrayed, since we were children, shares a sweet love story, but ends with - "They lived happily ever after." Talk about a confusing and mixed message. What does happily ever after look like?

Let's start with this nugget of truth first...the world's view of marriage vastly contradicts God's view for us regarding the holiness and beautiful union found in a marriage. God does not intend for us to live “happily ever after”. His vision is much bigger than that! It's to make us grow and conform to be more like Jesus!

Unfortunately, the beauty found in godly marriages has been suppressed in our society. Unfortunately, marriage has become something of a joke, and in many cases a marriage rich in love and fire for God is ridiculed or chastised. Modern TV shows love to poke fun at the roles of a husband and wife, downplaying the "real" design for our families. No wonder so many couples search for hope and the secret to joy!

Friend, it is not hard to see that the beautiful foundation God has laid for our marriages is being brutally attacked. So listen to me; If you don't read further, please understand this: Marriage is not about living happily ever after. Because trust me, there will be times when you won't be truly happy. If you seek only happiness, you will be bitterly disappointed.

However, if you are looking for a marriage filled with joy, you will find that peace and love enter your union as well. This is because marriage is not about living happily ever after. It's not even about you! It is about serving the other before oneself. It is also recognizing that marriage is a precious relationship where you are no longer yourself but unite with another to become one. Genesis 2:24 tells us that "a man shall leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

The wedding day marks the beginning of a life that should be cherished, respected and filled with joy. This does not mean that God-fearing couples will not face challenges or experience difficulties; in fact, they may be the most targeted. Satan likes to attack rich and beautiful marriages. But when a couple aims to stand firm in their faith, fight for their marriage, and seek Jesus in all circumstances, they will find the secret to a marriage filled with love and joy. They will also have a testimony to share of the goodness of our God!

So what's the secret to joy in a marriage? In short, joy is found in the sweet little moments. It's nestled in those small acts of kindness or those unexpected gestures that go a long way. It's a smile, a tender kiss, a subtle feeling. It is to love your spouse as Jesus calls you to love him, even in difficult times, with grace and gentleness.

There's a lot to be said for "Happy Forever!" So, let's discover six little ways (or secrets) to have a happy and holy marriage:

1. Have fun together

"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'" Psalm 126:2< /p >

They say laughter is good medicine, and I have to agree with that sentiment. Laughter brings out the endorphins that make us feel good. You really can't laugh and be angry, can you?

When was the last time you laughed, and I mean a good belly laugh, with your spouse? If it's been too long, time is running out. Start today. If your marriage is a little flat in this area, then you can ask for help. Join a couple who can see the lighter side of life or listen to a fun comedy skit. Tim Hawkins is our favorite comedian. It offers clear jokes and shares issues we can all relate to, usually with a song or story. His sketches on marriage are the best!

2. Build each other up

Have you ever bragged about your spouse in front of your friends, family members or in church? If not, now might be the time to start. Speak of them in glowing terms and watch their faces light up when you do. Share, in all sincerity, how proud you are of them. Whether it's an accomplishment at work or their diligence in raising your children, show off your spouse.

When you take the time to uplift your spouse and acknowledge the fruit of their efforts, those words go straight to the heart. Proverbs 16:24 tells us that "gracious words are like honey...

6 secrets for a happy marriage

Have you noticed how our culture is not good at sharing the beautiful beginnings of a marriage? In fact, virtually every show or fairy tale that has been portrayed, since we were children, shares a sweet love story, but ends with - "They lived happily ever after." Talk about a confusing and mixed message. What does happily ever after look like?

Let's start with this nugget of truth first...the world's view of marriage vastly contradicts God's view for us regarding the holiness and beautiful union found in a marriage. God does not intend for us to live “happily ever after”. His vision is much bigger than that! It's to make us grow and conform to be more like Jesus!

Unfortunately, the beauty found in godly marriages has been suppressed in our society. Unfortunately, marriage has become something of a joke, and in many cases a marriage rich in love and fire for God is ridiculed or chastised. Modern TV shows love to poke fun at the roles of a husband and wife, downplaying the "real" design for our families. No wonder so many couples search for hope and the secret to joy!

Friend, it is not hard to see that the beautiful foundation God has laid for our marriages is being brutally attacked. So listen to me; If you don't read further, please understand this: Marriage is not about living happily ever after. Because trust me, there will be times when you won't be truly happy. If you seek only happiness, you will be bitterly disappointed.

However, if you are looking for a marriage filled with joy, you will find that peace and love enter your union as well. This is because marriage is not about living happily ever after. It's not even about you! It is about serving the other before oneself. It is also recognizing that marriage is a precious relationship where you are no longer yourself but unite with another to become one. Genesis 2:24 tells us that "a man shall leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

The wedding day marks the beginning of a life that should be cherished, respected and filled with joy. This does not mean that God-fearing couples will not face challenges or experience difficulties; in fact, they may be the most targeted. Satan likes to attack rich and beautiful marriages. But when a couple aims to stand firm in their faith, fight for their marriage, and seek Jesus in all circumstances, they will find the secret to a marriage filled with love and joy. They will also have a testimony to share of the goodness of our God!

So what's the secret to joy in a marriage? In short, joy is found in the sweet little moments. It's nestled in those small acts of kindness or those unexpected gestures that go a long way. It's a smile, a tender kiss, a subtle feeling. It is to love your spouse as Jesus calls you to love him, even in difficult times, with grace and gentleness.

There's a lot to be said for "Happy Forever!" So, let's discover six little ways (or secrets) to have a happy and holy marriage:

1. Have fun together

"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'" Psalm 126:2< /p >

They say laughter is good medicine, and I have to agree with that sentiment. Laughter brings out the endorphins that make us feel good. You really can't laugh and be angry, can you?

When was the last time you laughed, and I mean a good belly laugh, with your spouse? If it's been too long, time is running out. Start today. If your marriage is a little flat in this area, then you can ask for help. Join a couple who can see the lighter side of life or listen to a fun comedy skit. Tim Hawkins is our favorite comedian. It offers clear jokes and shares issues we can all relate to, usually with a song or story. His sketches on marriage are the best!

2. Build each other up

Have you ever bragged about your spouse in front of your friends, family members or in church? If not, now might be the time to start. Speak of them in glowing terms and watch their faces light up when you do. Share, in all sincerity, how proud you are of them. Whether it's an accomplishment at work or their diligence in raising your children, show off your spouse.

When you take the time to uplift your spouse and acknowledge the fruit of their efforts, those words go straight to the heart. Proverbs 16:24 tells us that "gracious words are like honey...

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