A Complete Guide to Selling Photos, Videos, and Music

Image for article titled A Complete Guide to Selling Photos, Videos, and Music Photo: Concept ASTA (Shutterstock)

While the idea of ​​"passive income" sounds good, the term is generally misleading because establishing passive income streams often requires a lot of work. Although most passive income programs involve starting a business or investing capital in investments, there are also ways to tap into your creative and artistic impulses: if you're passionate about music, photography, or shooting videos, for example, you can turn those passions into income, even if you're not necessarily a professional, by selling your work to media sites.


A Complete Guide to Selling Photos, Videos, and Music
Image for article titled A Complete Guide to Selling Photos, Videos, and Music Photo: Concept ASTA (Shutterstock)

While the idea of ​​"passive income" sounds good, the term is generally misleading because establishing passive income streams often requires a lot of work. Although most passive income programs involve starting a business or investing capital in investments, there are also ways to tap into your creative and artistic impulses: if you're passionate about music, photography, or shooting videos, for example, you can turn those passions into income, even if you're not necessarily a professional, by selling your work to media sites.


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