Liz Truss 'to remove proposed bans on fur and foie gras imports'


Liz Truss set to remove proposed bans on the import of fur and foie gras into the UK, according to a Tory insider, sparking outrage among animal lovers.

The new Prime Minister is also said to have dropped the animal export ban alive in his first weeks in office.

The rulings will be a blow to activists who have spent decades pushing for reforms to save animals from suffering.

The production of fur and foie gras is considered so cruel that it is already banned in the UK.

The four measures were promised in the party's Welfare Action Plan. be of animals, announced last year to wide acclaim.

And restrictions on live exports were promised in the Conservatives' election manifesto action plan, along with an end to imports of hunting trophies.

But a senior Tory official said: "Banning things seems very socialist. Informing people is the way to go.

In February this year, right-wing cabinet members including Jacob Rees-Mogg intervened to block the Animals Abroad Bill, which contained restrictions on fur, foie gras, hunting trophies and advertisements for foreign theme parks that cause animal suffering.

The Kept Animals Bill, which banned live exports and the keeping of primates as pets and fought against the smuggling of puppies, could also be abandoned. It was due to be debated on Monday, which became the day of the Queen's funeral, and no new date was given.

A ban on cruel exports of live animals for slaughter and fattening had been hailed as a benefit of Brexit.

That would be a huge disappointment, not just for those who work for these daily campaigns but also for millions of animals

Lorraine Platt

The government says it is still considering fur and foie gras bans, but the source said the measures would not go ahead under Ms Truss, who appointed Mr Rees-Mogg to trade secretary and promoted Mark Spencer, understood he was another of those blocking the proposed Foreign Animals Act.

However, MP Scott Mann, who spoke out in favor of a the ban on live exports, was promoted to environment minister.

Last week Ms Truss sacked Zac Goldsmith as animal welfare minister after he presented reforms, including a ban on the sale of ivory and harsher prison sentences for cruelty. He also wanted to quell religious slaughter without stun.

'Many of his causes were very worthy, but you can be worthy when you're a billionaire's son,' the MP said in a bizarre comment . Lord Goldsmith's father was financier James Goldsmith.

Lorraine Platt, co-founder of the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, told The Independent she was bitterly disappointed to learn the bans would be lifted.

Foie gras is considered too cruel to be produced legally in the UK

(Getty Images)

"It would be a huge disappointment, not only for those who work for these campaigns on a daily basis, but also for the millions of animals involved," she said.

“Banning live animal exports and trophy hunting were manifesto pledges, and some people vote on manifesto pledges in elections.”

She said the foundation often heard measurement reports...

Liz Truss 'to remove proposed bans on fur and foie gras imports'

Liz Truss set to remove proposed bans on the import of fur and foie gras into the UK, according to a Tory insider, sparking outrage among animal lovers.

The new Prime Minister is also said to have dropped the animal export ban alive in his first weeks in office.

The rulings will be a blow to activists who have spent decades pushing for reforms to save animals from suffering.

The production of fur and foie gras is considered so cruel that it is already banned in the UK.

The four measures were promised in the party's Welfare Action Plan. be of animals, announced last year to wide acclaim.

And restrictions on live exports were promised in the Conservatives' election manifesto action plan, along with an end to imports of hunting trophies.

But a senior Tory official said: "Banning things seems very socialist. Informing people is the way to go.

In February this year, right-wing cabinet members including Jacob Rees-Mogg intervened to block the Animals Abroad Bill, which contained restrictions on fur, foie gras, hunting trophies and advertisements for foreign theme parks that cause animal suffering.

The Kept Animals Bill, which banned live exports and the keeping of primates as pets and fought against the smuggling of puppies, could also be abandoned. It was due to be debated on Monday, which became the day of the Queen's funeral, and no new date was given.

A ban on cruel exports of live animals for slaughter and fattening had been hailed as a benefit of Brexit.

That would be a huge disappointment, not just for those who work for these daily campaigns but also for millions of animals

Lorraine Platt

The government says it is still considering fur and foie gras bans, but the source said the measures would not go ahead under Ms Truss, who appointed Mr Rees-Mogg to trade secretary and promoted Mark Spencer, understood he was another of those blocking the proposed Foreign Animals Act.

However, MP Scott Mann, who spoke out in favor of a the ban on live exports, was promoted to environment minister.

Last week Ms Truss sacked Zac Goldsmith as animal welfare minister after he presented reforms, including a ban on the sale of ivory and harsher prison sentences for cruelty. He also wanted to quell religious slaughter without stun.

'Many of his causes were very worthy, but you can be worthy when you're a billionaire's son,' the MP said in a bizarre comment . Lord Goldsmith's father was financier James Goldsmith.

Lorraine Platt, co-founder of the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, told The Independent she was bitterly disappointed to learn the bans would be lifted.

Foie gras is considered too cruel to be produced legally in the UK

(Getty Images)

"It would be a huge disappointment, not only for those who work for these campaigns on a daily basis, but also for the millions of animals involved," she said.

“Banning live animal exports and trophy hunting were manifesto pledges, and some people vote on manifesto pledges in elections.”

She said the foundation often heard measurement reports...

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