Assert yourself for you, not for approval or control

Keywords: insurance, authentic self, authenticity, communicating borders, in good health borders, staff growth, while searching approval, while searching validation, self-care, trying has be RIGHT, trying has control THE uncontrollable

Borders are not about earn agreement And validation. Instead, they are about showing up And be stakeholders In OUR lives.

If You consider that We are each OUR borders And OUR borders are We, We can't TO DO OUR existence about trying has please And prove ourselves has others. Healthier borders to have has be about be more direct about WHO We are. People know WHO We are And Or they stay When We know.

A great path of earthing And verification In with yourself East has ensure You create And affirm A border with your needs, expectations, desires, feelings, And opinions In spirit, not with THE see of changing Or decision someone otherwise.

Am I affirming This border because he reflects WHO I am, East A act of self-care, And Also favors A in good health interaction with others?

Basically, are You TO DO This For yourself? Or, are borders another path of while searching approval Or trying has be 'isn't it'?

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Assert yourself for you, not for approval or control
Keywords: insurance, authentic self, authenticity, communicating borders, in good health borders, staff growth, while searching approval, while searching validation, self-care, trying has be RIGHT, trying has control THE uncontrollable

Borders are not about earn agreement And validation. Instead, they are about showing up And be stakeholders In OUR lives.

If You consider that We are each OUR borders And OUR borders are We, We can't TO DO OUR existence about trying has please And prove ourselves has others. Healthier borders to have has be about be more direct about WHO We are. People know WHO We are And Or they stay When We know.

A great path of earthing And verification In with yourself East has ensure You create And affirm A border with your needs, expectations, desires, feelings, And opinions In spirit, not with THE see of changing Or decision someone otherwise.

Am I affirming This border because he reflects WHO I am, East A act of self-care, And Also favors A in good health interaction with others?

Basically, are You TO DO This For yourself? Or, are borders another path of while searching approval Or trying has be 'isn't it'?

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