Bermuda Triangle mystery 'solved' - expert explains why ships are disappearing

The expert's explanation claims to solve the riddle using stones, but what it claims is that it could be even more terrifying than some other theories

The Bermuda Triange The Bermuda Triangle is located approximately between the Bahamas and the island of Bermuda (

Image: Science Channel)

It's a mystery that has puzzled scientists for years, but one scientist thinks he might finally find out what's behind the Bermuda Triangle disappearances.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of ​​the North Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda, where several ships have disappeared over the years. Some have claimed there is a hidden hot tub there, while others suggest aliens may be responsible for the disappearances. But an expert says the rocks could explain the mystery.

Speaking in a Channel 5 documentary, Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, Nick Hutchings, a mineral prospector, explained: “Bermuda is basically a sea mountain – it's an underwater volcano. 30 million years ago it was above sea level. It has now eroded and we are left with the top of a volcano. We have some core samples that contain magnetite. It is the most magnetic natural material on Earth. »

On the program, Mr. Hutchings then conducted an experiment using part of the rock and a compass. When the rock was placed on a flat surface and the compass was moved over it, the needle would go wild. This is because the rocks contain magnetite. Mr Hutchings added: “You can just imagine the old sailors sailing past Bermuda. It would be very disconcerting. »

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Bermuda Triangle mystery 'solved' - expert explains why ships are disappearing

The expert's explanation claims to solve the riddle using stones, but what it claims is that it could be even more terrifying than some other theories

The Bermuda Triange The Bermuda Triangle is located approximately between the Bahamas and the island of Bermuda (

Image: Science Channel)

It's a mystery that has puzzled scientists for years, but one scientist thinks he might finally find out what's behind the Bermuda Triangle disappearances.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area of ​​the North Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda, where several ships have disappeared over the years. Some have claimed there is a hidden hot tub there, while others suggest aliens may be responsible for the disappearances. But an expert says the rocks could explain the mystery.

Speaking in a Channel 5 documentary, Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, Nick Hutchings, a mineral prospector, explained: “Bermuda is basically a sea mountain – it's an underwater volcano. 30 million years ago it was above sea level. It has now eroded and we are left with the top of a volcano. We have some core samples that contain magnetite. It is the most magnetic natural material on Earth. »

On the program, Mr. Hutchings then conducted an experiment using part of the rock and a compass. When the rock was placed on a flat surface and the compass was moved over it, the needle would go wild. This is because the rocks contain magnetite. Mr Hutchings added: “You can just imagine the old sailors sailing past Bermuda. It would be very disconcerting. »

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