Britney Spears reveals she gets 'joy' from posing in nude photos despite criticism

Britney Spears

Britney Spears, 41, revealed Why She Sometimes posts naked In selfies, In her new memory THE Women In Me. THE singer admitted she is completed with "joy" And feels "sexy" When she is In control of THE Pictures She takes.

"I know that A plot of people don't do it to understand Why I love socket pictures of myself naked Or In new Dresses," She wrote, by THE New York Times. "But I think if they would have been photographed by other thousands of people of times, pushed And laid For other people approval, they would have to understand that I get A plot of joy Since posing THE path I feel sexy And socket My own photo."

Britney's comments about her naked Pictures come After She received A plot of critical Since people, including her son, Preston, 18, And Jayden, 17, WHO She actions with ex Kevin Federline. "It is as almost as if She has has job something on Instagram has get attention," Jayden said. THE from the United Kingdom ITV’s latest year. "This has disappeared on For years And years And years, And There is A high chance that This East Never going has Really stop. »

Kevin Also said THE exit that he is said THE boys that Britney's risk Pictures are "just another path" She “try has express se." He Also said he always understand how seeing their mother naked online can be "difficult" For them. "I can't imagine how he feels has be A teenager, having has go has high school," he said. "WHO knows how a lot people ask them about he Or talk has them about that?"

Preston And Jayden moved has Hawaii with their father In August And do not have seen Britney In almost two years. Kevin lawyer, However, confirmed that they had speak on THE phone with her shortly Before they moved. Sources said that THE mother of two Also discussed What She was including In her book Before going Before with he. She Also would have dedicated THE book has them, call them THE "love of [her] the life. »

THE Women In Me will be released on October 24.

Britney Spears reveals she gets 'joy' from posing in nude photos despite criticism
Britney Spears

Britney Spears, 41, revealed Why She Sometimes posts naked In selfies, In her new memory THE Women In Me. THE singer admitted she is completed with "joy" And feels "sexy" When she is In control of THE Pictures She takes.

"I know that A plot of people don't do it to understand Why I love socket pictures of myself naked Or In new Dresses," She wrote, by THE New York Times. "But I think if they would have been photographed by other thousands of people of times, pushed And laid For other people approval, they would have to understand that I get A plot of joy Since posing THE path I feel sexy And socket My own photo."

Britney's comments about her naked Pictures come After She received A plot of critical Since people, including her son, Preston, 18, And Jayden, 17, WHO She actions with ex Kevin Federline. "It is as almost as if She has has job something on Instagram has get attention," Jayden said. THE from the United Kingdom ITV’s latest year. "This has disappeared on For years And years And years, And There is A high chance that This East Never going has Really stop. »

Kevin Also said THE exit that he is said THE boys that Britney's risk Pictures are "just another path" She “try has express se." He Also said he always understand how seeing their mother naked online can be "difficult" For them. "I can't imagine how he feels has be A teenager, having has go has high school," he said. "WHO knows how a lot people ask them about he Or talk has them about that?"

Preston And Jayden moved has Hawaii with their father In August And do not have seen Britney In almost two years. Kevin lawyer, However, confirmed that they had speak on THE phone with her shortly Before they moved. Sources said that THE mother of two Also discussed What She was including In her book Before going Before with he. She Also would have dedicated THE book has them, call them THE "love of [her] the life. »

THE Women In Me will be released on October 24.

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