C-3PO Actor Anthony Daniels Found Disney's Bizarre Star Wars Secret

Ahead of the release of 'The Force Awakens' in 2015, Anthony Daniels spoke to The Guardian about playing the famous droid again. In a generally candid manner, he took umbrage at the level of secrecy surrounding the project:

"The secrecy was beyond ridiculous. [...] For heaven's sake, it's a movie. When I got the script, it was typed in black on deepest red paper so you can't photocopy it. I got hungover just reading it."

As well as seeing C-3PO and R2-D2 back in the movie, their presence felt a lot like fan service. Although his role was essentially a long cameo, Daniels still managed to get himself in hot water with studio execs for mentioning another actor's name on social media:

"I said I had met so and so. An actor who plays something [...] in the film. A character. Immediately I got a message from Disney: ' Remove the tweet! You have no right to say that!' Honestly. It's kind of a Kremlin attitude. Look, I know perfectly well not to tell you right now what I'm giving you as a Christmas present, because that would spoil the surprise. And these movies are all about opening the box Christmas Day."

I don't know about you, but I'm having a hard time not hearing C-3PO when I read these quotes. Daniels simply is the droid, and perhaps his symbiosis with the character is what helped the confused robot butler become a fan favorite. From the wide range of fantastic creations in the "Star Wars" universe, it has always been mine.

C-3PO Actor Anthony Daniels Found Disney's Bizarre Star Wars Secret

Ahead of the release of 'The Force Awakens' in 2015, Anthony Daniels spoke to The Guardian about playing the famous droid again. In a generally candid manner, he took umbrage at the level of secrecy surrounding the project:

"The secrecy was beyond ridiculous. [...] For heaven's sake, it's a movie. When I got the script, it was typed in black on deepest red paper so you can't photocopy it. I got hungover just reading it."

As well as seeing C-3PO and R2-D2 back in the movie, their presence felt a lot like fan service. Although his role was essentially a long cameo, Daniels still managed to get himself in hot water with studio execs for mentioning another actor's name on social media:

"I said I had met so and so. An actor who plays something [...] in the film. A character. Immediately I got a message from Disney: ' Remove the tweet! You have no right to say that!' Honestly. It's kind of a Kremlin attitude. Look, I know perfectly well not to tell you right now what I'm giving you as a Christmas present, because that would spoil the surprise. And these movies are all about opening the box Christmas Day."

I don't know about you, but I'm having a hard time not hearing C-3PO when I read these quotes. Daniels simply is the droid, and perhaps his symbiosis with the character is what helped the confused robot butler become a fan favorite. From the wide range of fantastic creations in the "Star Wars" universe, it has always been mine.

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