Digital Assets Subcommittee Chairman Hopes to See Crypto Bills Come to fruition in 2024

THE WE. Home Financial Services Committee pass THE Financial Innovation And Technology For THE 21 Century Act And THE Clarity For Payment Stablecoins Act In July 2023.

Chair of Digital Assets subcommittee hopes to see crypto bills 'come to fruition' in 2024 News Join We on social networks

United States Representative French Hill, chair of THE Home Financial Services Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology And Inclusion, provided THE public with A update on how the legislators foreseen has move Before with cryptography related legislation In 2024.

Speaking has A event hosted by THE Foundation For Defense of Democracies (FDD) on Jan. 29, Representative Hill said WE. the legislators In THE Home of Representatives had brand up two invoices aiming has addressing stable coins And THE regulatory frame of cryptocurrencies And had A "very GOOD functioning draft" of THE last by THE END of 2023. THE subcommittee chair said he hoped both invoices would be be "on THE even track" moving forward.

"I always am optimistic that you go see those invoices come has realization during '24,' said Hill. "I have has been very happy with each meeting I have has been in."

Representatives. French Hill (RIGHT) And Jimmy Himes (center) addressing moderator Juan Zarate (LEFT) on Jan. 29. Source: FDD

There has has been little movement with THE digital asset-based invoices Since THE WE. Congress resumed In 2024. THE Home Financial Services Committee pass THE Financial Innovation And Technology For THE 21 Century Act And THE Clarity For Payment Stablecoins Act In July 2023, paving THE path For THE invoices has go has THE Home ground For A complete vote.

According to has Representative Hill, A “well regulated, well thought " payment stable coin could be GOOD For THE WE. dollar And international...

Digital Assets Subcommittee Chairman Hopes to See Crypto Bills Come to fruition in 2024

THE WE. Home Financial Services Committee pass THE Financial Innovation And Technology For THE 21 Century Act And THE Clarity For Payment Stablecoins Act In July 2023.

Chair of Digital Assets subcommittee hopes to see crypto bills 'come to fruition' in 2024 News Join We on social networks

United States Representative French Hill, chair of THE Home Financial Services Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology And Inclusion, provided THE public with A update on how the legislators foreseen has move Before with cryptography related legislation In 2024.

Speaking has A event hosted by THE Foundation For Defense of Democracies (FDD) on Jan. 29, Representative Hill said WE. the legislators In THE Home of Representatives had brand up two invoices aiming has addressing stable coins And THE regulatory frame of cryptocurrencies And had A "very GOOD functioning draft" of THE last by THE END of 2023. THE subcommittee chair said he hoped both invoices would be be "on THE even track" moving forward.

"I always am optimistic that you go see those invoices come has realization during '24,' said Hill. "I have has been very happy with each meeting I have has been in."

Representatives. French Hill (RIGHT) And Jimmy Himes (center) addressing moderator Juan Zarate (LEFT) on Jan. 29. Source: FDD

There has has been little movement with THE digital asset-based invoices Since THE WE. Congress resumed In 2024. THE Home Financial Services Committee pass THE Financial Innovation And Technology For THE 21 Century Act And THE Clarity For Payment Stablecoins Act In July 2023, paving THE path For THE invoices has go has THE Home ground For A complete vote.

According to has Representative Hill, A “well regulated, well thought " payment stable coin could be GOOD For THE WE. dollar And international...

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