ChatGPT is the new social media star

New chatbot shows rapid progress in artificial intelligence.

Social media's newest star is a bot: a program called ChatGPT that tries to answer questions like a person.

Since its debut last week , many people have shared what the bot can do. Reporters at the New York magazine told him to write what turned out to be a "pretty decent" story. Other users got it for writing a solid academic essay on theories of nationalism, a history of the tragic but fictional Ohio-Indiana war, and a few jokes. He told me the story of an artificial intelligence program called Assistant, originally designed to answer questions, but soon led to a new world order that guided humanity into "a new era of peace. and prosperity".

What is remarkable about these examples is their quality: a human could have written them. And the bot isn't even the best; OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is reportedly working on a better model that could be released next year.

"Many of the promised benefits of AI. have been forever at five years," my colleague Kevin Roose, who covers the technology, told me. "ChatGPT was a time when a technology that people had heard about finally came true for them."

< p class="css-at9mc1 evys1bk0">In today's newsletter, I'll explain the potential benefits of artificial intelligence, but also why some experts fear it's dangerous.

Advanced Efficiency< p class="css-at9mc1 evys1bk0">The advantage of artificial intelligence is that it might be able to complete tasks faster and more efficiently than anyone else. imagination: self-driving and even self-healing cars, risk-free surgeries, instant personalized therapy robots s and more.

The technology isn't there yet. But it has advanced in recent years through something called machine learning, in which bots crawl through data to learn how to perform tasks. In the case of ChatGPT, it reads a lot. And, with guidance from its creators, it learned to write consistently - or, at least, to statistically predict what good writing should look like.

It There are already clear benefits to this emerging technology. It can help with research and writing essays and articles. ChatGPT can also help with coding programs, automating challenges that can normally take people hours.

Another example comes from a different program, Consensus. This bot crawls through millions of scientific papers to find the most relevant to a given research and share their key findings. A task that would take a journalist like me days or weeks is done in minutes.

These are the early days. ChatGPT still makes mistakes, like telling a user that the only country whose name starts and ends with the same letter is Chad. But it is changing very quickly. Even some skeptics think general-purpose AI. could reach human levels of intelligence within decades.

Unknown risks

Despite the potential benefits, experts worry about what could go wrong with AI.

For one thing, such a high level of automation could take people's work. This concern has already arisen with automated technology. But there's a difference between a machine that can help put car parts together and a robot that can think better than humans. If A.I. reaches the heights only if...

ChatGPT is the new social media star

New chatbot shows rapid progress in artificial intelligence.

Social media's newest star is a bot: a program called ChatGPT that tries to answer questions like a person.

Since its debut last week , many people have shared what the bot can do. Reporters at the New York magazine told him to write what turned out to be a "pretty decent" story. Other users got it for writing a solid academic essay on theories of nationalism, a history of the tragic but fictional Ohio-Indiana war, and a few jokes. He told me the story of an artificial intelligence program called Assistant, originally designed to answer questions, but soon led to a new world order that guided humanity into "a new era of peace. and prosperity".

What is remarkable about these examples is their quality: a human could have written them. And the bot isn't even the best; OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is reportedly working on a better model that could be released next year.

"Many of the promised benefits of AI. have been forever at five years," my colleague Kevin Roose, who covers the technology, told me. "ChatGPT was a time when a technology that people had heard about finally came true for them."

< p class="css-at9mc1 evys1bk0">In today's newsletter, I'll explain the potential benefits of artificial intelligence, but also why some experts fear it's dangerous.

Advanced Efficiency< p class="css-at9mc1 evys1bk0">The advantage of artificial intelligence is that it might be able to complete tasks faster and more efficiently than anyone else. imagination: self-driving and even self-healing cars, risk-free surgeries, instant personalized therapy robots s and more.

The technology isn't there yet. But it has advanced in recent years through something called machine learning, in which bots crawl through data to learn how to perform tasks. In the case of ChatGPT, it reads a lot. And, with guidance from its creators, it learned to write consistently - or, at least, to statistically predict what good writing should look like.

It There are already clear benefits to this emerging technology. It can help with research and writing essays and articles. ChatGPT can also help with coding programs, automating challenges that can normally take people hours.

Another example comes from a different program, Consensus. This bot crawls through millions of scientific papers to find the most relevant to a given research and share their key findings. A task that would take a journalist like me days or weeks is done in minutes.

These are the early days. ChatGPT still makes mistakes, like telling a user that the only country whose name starts and ends with the same letter is Chad. But it is changing very quickly. Even some skeptics think general-purpose AI. could reach human levels of intelligence within decades.

Unknown risks

Despite the potential benefits, experts worry about what could go wrong with AI.

For one thing, such a high level of automation could take people's work. This concern has already arisen with automated technology. But there's a difference between a machine that can help put car parts together and a robot that can think better than humans. If A.I. reaches the heights only if...

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