Comment on SUNSETS AND SUNRISES SEASON 4: Chapter 15 by Rue

Tanya is confused. Dylan rarely shouts. His mind starts imagining all sorts of possibilities who he could have talked to. She's always been prone to overthinking, so it's pretty easy to jump to conclusions. Her heart aches at the thought that it's another woman on the other side of the phone. He wouldn't do that. Despite all their problems, none of them have ever resorted to it. Adultery never happened to any of them.

Tanya goes to her room and tries to calm down. All sorts of scenarios are swirling around in his head. She begins to panic; she can feel her heart beating, beating overtime. She has trouble breathing and her vision blurs; all the signs of an anxiety attack. She tells herself to stop overreacting and takes deep breaths until she feels better.

She decides she'll wait for Dylan to tell her what he was talking about with anyone. She won't ask him and will risk looking like a fool. She's not the best at waiting, but she'll have to. With a heavy sigh, she gets into bed and manages to fall asleep.

The next morning, she wakes up to find Dylan already up. He continues his routine as usual. He's calmer and his brow is furrowed and although Tanya asks him what's wrong a few times, he insists there's nothing wrong. As he leaves for work, Tanya is a little mad at him. Something is definitely going on.

At work, Tanya immerses herself in the current project. In her mind, she stores anger, frustration, and questions for when she sees Dylan later. She knows how to compartmentalize very well.

As she is still working half days, she goes home for lunch, feeds the twins, and gets ready for her and Mhamha and Kupa's therapy session. She's not sure if she's in the right frame of mind for it, but a date is a date. Mhamha takes longer than usual to get ready despite knowing it was today. She deliberately drags her feet and mumbles to herself.

As they come to the door, she says, "Kupa, run get my glasses. I forgot them. You know I can't see without them."

Kupa gets out of the car and runs towards the house.

Tanya sighs, "Mhamha tanonoka, 10 minutes is not enough to make it on time."

Mbuya Kupa pretends to rummage through his bag.

"Oh, there they are."

Kupa comes back and says she didn't find them. She rolls her eyes when her mother tells her they were in the bag. It's a good thing her grandma sits in the front seat and doesn't see her doing it.

Tanya speeds to the doctor's office. She was never one to be late.

"Unoda kutiuraya here nhai Tanya? What's wrong with you?!" yells his mother, shocked by his reckless driving.

"We succeeded." Tanya said with relief, ignoring her mother's exclamation. "Let's go."

They enter the office and are taken directly to the doctor.

"Mrs. Moyo, welcome," the doctor holds out his hand.

Tanya greets her warmly but Mbuya Kupa does not shake her hand. The doctor doesn't seem at all fazed. She is probably used to patients who have been forced to come to consult.

She introduces herself and gives the floor to one of them.

Tanya clears her throat,

"Well since I was the one who convinced everyone to come here, I'll start. Doctor, we always seem to be going through a lot of pain, the women in this particular family and I just wanted us to go to the deep down and we're working on it. So my mother and my daughter are there too," she says, pointing to Kupa and her mother. "I'm tired of always having to put out fires or mourn. I don't know not if you can help me, but we had to try."

The doctor nods and speaks directly to Mbuya Kupa,

"Mhamha, I understand you might not want to be here," she began, "We all know your generation of women didn't learn to speak until the end. And while I may not know your story, I totally understand if you don't want to be here. However, that said, nothing good can come from keeping things indoors. I'd like you to talk, talk to me, talk to your daughter and granddaughter about how you feel today."

Tanya's mother looks at the doctor with indignation. She stays quiet for a while and it starts to get uncomfortable. Tanya is about to intervene when mom speaks.

"I don't know where it is that you younger people have gotten into this habit of talking about whatever is troubling you. I don't see how that helps. Hasn't it happened before, what do you want me to talk to you about?"

"Mhamha." Tanya reprimands.

"But I'm going to talk because my daughter here has it in her head that it's going to help. Maybe it will help her...and my granddaughter here, but definitely not me. I'm the one who got it. lived." She begins her story. "I was married to you...

Comment on SUNSETS AND SUNRISES SEASON 4: Chapter 15 by Rue

Tanya is confused. Dylan rarely shouts. His mind starts imagining all sorts of possibilities who he could have talked to. She's always been prone to overthinking, so it's pretty easy to jump to conclusions. Her heart aches at the thought that it's another woman on the other side of the phone. He wouldn't do that. Despite all their problems, none of them have ever resorted to it. Adultery never happened to any of them.

Tanya goes to her room and tries to calm down. All sorts of scenarios are swirling around in his head. She begins to panic; she can feel her heart beating, beating overtime. She has trouble breathing and her vision blurs; all the signs of an anxiety attack. She tells herself to stop overreacting and takes deep breaths until she feels better.

She decides she'll wait for Dylan to tell her what he was talking about with anyone. She won't ask him and will risk looking like a fool. She's not the best at waiting, but she'll have to. With a heavy sigh, she gets into bed and manages to fall asleep.

The next morning, she wakes up to find Dylan already up. He continues his routine as usual. He's calmer and his brow is furrowed and although Tanya asks him what's wrong a few times, he insists there's nothing wrong. As he leaves for work, Tanya is a little mad at him. Something is definitely going on.

At work, Tanya immerses herself in the current project. In her mind, she stores anger, frustration, and questions for when she sees Dylan later. She knows how to compartmentalize very well.

As she is still working half days, she goes home for lunch, feeds the twins, and gets ready for her and Mhamha and Kupa's therapy session. She's not sure if she's in the right frame of mind for it, but a date is a date. Mhamha takes longer than usual to get ready despite knowing it was today. She deliberately drags her feet and mumbles to herself.

As they come to the door, she says, "Kupa, run get my glasses. I forgot them. You know I can't see without them."

Kupa gets out of the car and runs towards the house.

Tanya sighs, "Mhamha tanonoka, 10 minutes is not enough to make it on time."

Mbuya Kupa pretends to rummage through his bag.

"Oh, there they are."

Kupa comes back and says she didn't find them. She rolls her eyes when her mother tells her they were in the bag. It's a good thing her grandma sits in the front seat and doesn't see her doing it.

Tanya speeds to the doctor's office. She was never one to be late.

"Unoda kutiuraya here nhai Tanya? What's wrong with you?!" yells his mother, shocked by his reckless driving.

"We succeeded." Tanya said with relief, ignoring her mother's exclamation. "Let's go."

They enter the office and are taken directly to the doctor.

"Mrs. Moyo, welcome," the doctor holds out his hand.

Tanya greets her warmly but Mbuya Kupa does not shake her hand. The doctor doesn't seem at all fazed. She is probably used to patients who have been forced to come to consult.

She introduces herself and gives the floor to one of them.

Tanya clears her throat,

"Well since I was the one who convinced everyone to come here, I'll start. Doctor, we always seem to be going through a lot of pain, the women in this particular family and I just wanted us to go to the deep down and we're working on it. So my mother and my daughter are there too," she says, pointing to Kupa and her mother. "I'm tired of always having to put out fires or mourn. I don't know not if you can help me, but we had to try."

The doctor nods and speaks directly to Mbuya Kupa,

"Mhamha, I understand you might not want to be here," she began, "We all know your generation of women didn't learn to speak until the end. And while I may not know your story, I totally understand if you don't want to be here. However, that said, nothing good can come from keeping things indoors. I'd like you to talk, talk to me, talk to your daughter and granddaughter about how you feel today."

Tanya's mother looks at the doctor with indignation. She stays quiet for a while and it starts to get uncomfortable. Tanya is about to intervene when mom speaks.

"I don't know where it is that you younger people have gotten into this habit of talking about whatever is troubling you. I don't see how that helps. Hasn't it happened before, what do you want me to talk to you about?"

"Mhamha." Tanya reprimands.

"But I'm going to talk because my daughter here has it in her head that it's going to help. Maybe it will help her...and my granddaughter here, but definitely not me. I'm the one who got it. lived." She begins her story. "I was married to you...

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