Cricketer Monty Panesar to run for George Galloway's Workers' Party in general election

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Former England cricketer Monty Panesar will run for the Workers' Party in the general election, its leader George Galloway has said.

Mr. Panesar will stand in Ealing, the seat of Southall in west London, currently held by Labor with a majority of 16,084 votes.

"Monty, of course, was an excellent left-arm player and so we could do with him,” Mr Galloway told LBC on Tuesday. .

The left-wing Brandon was due to unveil 200 parliamentary candidates outside Parliament on Tuesday, with Mr Panesar, who appeared in 50 Tests for England and represented Sussex, Essex and Northamptonshire at the county level, the announcement is on the front page. .

Speaking after his candidacy was confirmed, Mr Panesar said he was running for Parliament so he could stand up for the working class.

“When I was playing for England, there was so much "The gap between rich and poor is getting wider and wider."

Monty Panesar (GETTY IMAGES)

Mr. Galloway was elected to the House of Representatives. Commons for the third different political party in February after winning the Rochdale by-election.

He achieved a majority of 5,697 in the seat of Greater Manchester, which has a large Muslim population, in 'an election dominated by war. in Gaza.

Labor has withdrawn its support for its candidate Ali Azhar after he made controversial comments about Israel.

Mr. Ali was recorded at a Lancashire Labor Party meeting suggesting that Israel had allowed the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7 to happen and used it as a pretext to invade Gaza.

He apologized and denied the remarks were anti-Semitic.

Mr Galloway's Workers' Party led what the opposition described as a high...

Cricketer Monty Panesar to run for George Galloway's Workers' Party in general election
View from Westminster Sign up to the View from Westminster email for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter an email address valid emailPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive an email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy policy{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }>

Former England cricketer Monty Panesar will run for the Workers' Party in the general election, its leader George Galloway has said.

Mr. Panesar will stand in Ealing, the seat of Southall in west London, currently held by Labor with a majority of 16,084 votes.

"Monty, of course, was an excellent left-arm player and so we could do with him,” Mr Galloway told LBC on Tuesday. .

The left-wing Brandon was due to unveil 200 parliamentary candidates outside Parliament on Tuesday, with Mr Panesar, who appeared in 50 Tests for England and represented Sussex, Essex and Northamptonshire at the county level, the announcement is on the front page. .

Speaking after his candidacy was confirmed, Mr Panesar said he was running for Parliament so he could stand up for the working class.

“When I was playing for England, there was so much "The gap between rich and poor is getting wider and wider."

Monty Panesar (GETTY IMAGES)

Mr. Galloway was elected to the House of Representatives. Commons for the third different political party in February after winning the Rochdale by-election.

He achieved a majority of 5,697 in the seat of Greater Manchester, which has a large Muslim population, in 'an election dominated by war. in Gaza.

Labor has withdrawn its support for its candidate Ali Azhar after he made controversial comments about Israel.

Mr. Ali was recorded at a Lancashire Labor Party meeting suggesting that Israel had allowed the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7 to happen and used it as a pretext to invade Gaza.

He apologized and denied the remarks were anti-Semitic.

Mr Galloway's Workers' Party led what the opposition described as a high...

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