Ether futures ETFs launched, SBF trial begins and 3AC's Su Zhu arrested: Hodler's Digest, September 24-30

High Stories This Week Ethereum eventually AND F has to start trade following week

Investment farm Valkyrie In THE future days. On Seven. 28, THE farm said Cointelegraph that It is Bitcoin Strategy ETFs will allow investors to access has Ether And Bitcoin eventually "below A packaging, " manufacturing he A of THE First of all companies has TO DO SO in the middle of several on hold apps with THE WE. Securities And Exchange Commission. Departure October. 3, THE funds name will be update has THE Valkyrie Bitcoin And Ether Strategy ETFs. Active director VanEck Also disclosed It is Future Ethereum Strategy ETFs, which will be listed on THE Chicago Advice Possibilities Exchange In THE future days. Analysts suggested that A potential WE. government close could to have accelerated THE launch of Ether eventually ETF.

Ancient FTX CEO Sat “SBF” Bankman-Fried has less 21 days In court as part of her criminal trial, which will to start In serious on October. 4 And last until Nov. 9, according to has A newly released trial calendar job has THE public court role. THE First of all official date of THE Bankman-Fried trial East October. 4, Or THE participants will to start discuss Seven fraud charges laid against SBF. There are two substantial charges Or THE pursuit must convince A jury that Bankman-Fried engaged THE crime. Five other "conspiracy" charges involve THE pursuit convincing A jury that Bankman-Fried foreseen has commit THE crimes. THE ancient FTX CEO has has been portion before the trial detention has THE Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center Since August. 11. If considered guilty of fraud, Bankman-Fried THE rest of her life In prison, legal specialists explain has Cointelegraph.

3AC Su Zhu stopped In Singapore

Co-founder of Three Arrows Capital (3AC) Su Zhu while trying has leave. Teneo, THE joint liquidator of THE now bankrupt hedge funds, said Cointelegraph that Zhu Stop follow up A commitment order Since THE Singapore Courts, which East A directive used has to jail someone For contempt of court. On Seven. 25, Teneo secure This commitment order, alleging that Zhu doesn't conform with A court order. Her Stop East part of A in progress investigation has to recover funds For 3AC creditors. THE $10 billion hedge funds crushed In 2022 due has THE collapse of THE Earth ecosystem. A similar commitment order was granted against Kyle Davies, Also co-founder of 3AC. Her Or stay unknown.

Binance urges users has convert euros has USDT After Pay securely unbank

Binance It is European users has convert their euro (EUR) sales has Attached by October. 31 due has THE loss of support Since It is banking partner, Pay securely. Pay securely stopped treatment EUR deposits For Binance users on Seven. 25. While EUR withdrawals has bank accounts stay available, Pay securely users won't be able has to commit In EUR place trade. Binance token to exchange functionality, Binance Convert, will Also restrict EUR transactions. Pay securely previously ease decree deposits And withdrawals For Binance users In Europe, including via bank transfer In THE European of the union Bachelor euro Payments Area. THE move East THE last has add has Binance regulatory And debanking misfortunes In THE West.

SECOND delays place Bitcoin ETFs decision For black rock, Invesco And Bitwise

THE WE. Securities And Exchange Commission on several place Bitcoin ETFs applications, including those Since black rock, Invesco, Bitwise And Valkyrie, in front of A potential government close. Bloomberg ETFs analyst James Seyffart anticipates similar delays For Loyalty, VanEck, And Tree of wisdom. These delays came two weeks Before THE candidates' expected second deadline. Seyffart connections THE premature delays has A anticipated WE. government close on October. 1, which would be impact financial regulators And federal agencies.

Ether futures ETFs launched, SBF trial begins and 3AC's Su Zhu arrested: Hodler's Digest, September 24-30
High Stories This Week Ethereum eventually AND F has to start trade following week

Investment farm Valkyrie In THE future days. On Seven. 28, THE farm said Cointelegraph that It is Bitcoin Strategy ETFs will allow investors to access has Ether And Bitcoin eventually "below A packaging, " manufacturing he A of THE First of all companies has TO DO SO in the middle of several on hold apps with THE WE. Securities And Exchange Commission. Departure October. 3, THE funds name will be update has THE Valkyrie Bitcoin And Ether Strategy ETFs. Active director VanEck Also disclosed It is Future Ethereum Strategy ETFs, which will be listed on THE Chicago Advice Possibilities Exchange In THE future days. Analysts suggested that A potential WE. government close could to have accelerated THE launch of Ether eventually ETF.

Ancient FTX CEO Sat “SBF” Bankman-Fried has less 21 days In court as part of her criminal trial, which will to start In serious on October. 4 And last until Nov. 9, according to has A newly released trial calendar job has THE public court role. THE First of all official date of THE Bankman-Fried trial East October. 4, Or THE participants will to start discuss Seven fraud charges laid against SBF. There are two substantial charges Or THE pursuit must convince A jury that Bankman-Fried engaged THE crime. Five other "conspiracy" charges involve THE pursuit convincing A jury that Bankman-Fried foreseen has commit THE crimes. THE ancient FTX CEO has has been portion before the trial detention has THE Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center Since August. 11. If considered guilty of fraud, Bankman-Fried THE rest of her life In prison, legal specialists explain has Cointelegraph.

3AC Su Zhu stopped In Singapore

Co-founder of Three Arrows Capital (3AC) Su Zhu while trying has leave. Teneo, THE joint liquidator of THE now bankrupt hedge funds, said Cointelegraph that Zhu Stop follow up A commitment order Since THE Singapore Courts, which East A directive used has to jail someone For contempt of court. On Seven. 25, Teneo secure This commitment order, alleging that Zhu doesn't conform with A court order. Her Stop East part of A in progress investigation has to recover funds For 3AC creditors. THE $10 billion hedge funds crushed In 2022 due has THE collapse of THE Earth ecosystem. A similar commitment order was granted against Kyle Davies, Also co-founder of 3AC. Her Or stay unknown.

Binance urges users has convert euros has USDT After Pay securely unbank

Binance It is European users has convert their euro (EUR) sales has Attached by October. 31 due has THE loss of support Since It is banking partner, Pay securely. Pay securely stopped treatment EUR deposits For Binance users on Seven. 25. While EUR withdrawals has bank accounts stay available, Pay securely users won't be able has to commit In EUR place trade. Binance token to exchange functionality, Binance Convert, will Also restrict EUR transactions. Pay securely previously ease decree deposits And withdrawals For Binance users In Europe, including via bank transfer In THE European of the union Bachelor euro Payments Area. THE move East THE last has add has Binance regulatory And debanking misfortunes In THE West.

SECOND delays place Bitcoin ETFs decision For black rock, Invesco And Bitwise

THE WE. Securities And Exchange Commission on several place Bitcoin ETFs applications, including those Since black rock, Invesco, Bitwise And Valkyrie, in front of A potential government close. Bloomberg ETFs analyst James Seyffart anticipates similar delays For Loyalty, VanEck, And Tree of wisdom. These delays came two weeks Before THE candidates' expected second deadline. Seyffart connections THE premature delays has A anticipated WE. government close on October. 1, which would be impact financial regulators And federal agencies.

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